Are American Blacks Stupid?

The quick answer to the above question is of course not.  However, to understand why that would ever be asked, we must examine some historical facts from an unbiased viewpoint. 

One of the great tragedies of the clearly fraudulent November and January elections is a growing sense among a large portion of the American voting public that our election system is broken, perhaps beyond repair.  The Democrats for years have manipulated election results in cities and states they controlled.  It has been an inside joke that anywhere there might be a threat to their maintaining power, the Democrat machine will find the required voters in the graveyards.

So, the Democrats, using such chicanery, have basically destroyed many major cities in their lust for power.  They have done this by encouraging certain minority groups to come to those cities and vote in a block for the Democratic Party.  While initially some groups, like African-Americans from the “Jim Crow” south, lived in better conditions in the north due to various welfare programs, the end result has always been the same.  A city racked with poverty and crime, with the criminals among them preying on their own people after whites and others ethnic groups were driven out as the conditions worsened.

Cities like Detroit, Newark and Baltimore became crime ridden slums, a shell of their former selves.  In other numerous American metropolises like New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta and Los Angeles, Black and Latino ghettos developed and became the norm.  The majority of these cities have been controlled by Democrats for decades, initially by white, and later by various minority politicians, who promised the world, but in the end were the only ones who profited from their citizens misery.

The Democrats, whose party was formed in the 1820s and 30s, quickly learned that they could achieve control by creating special interest groups who would become reliable voting blocks to allow them to initially gain, and then maintain political power.  Although they would have you believe otherwise, they were the party who promoted the “Peculiar Institution” of slavery, and wished that foul system to expand westward as new states came into being.  Every single state which formed the Confederacy was controlled by Democrats prior to the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.  Fearing the abolitionist policies of the newly elected Republican President, these Democrat states seceded from the Republic in 1861, and the American Civil War raged for four awful bloody years.

After the Confederacy was defeated by Union forces in 1865, there was a period of “Reconstruction” in the south from 1865 thru 1877, when the federal government controlled the political system, and enacted a series of laws, including the granting of rights to the newly freed slaves.  To counteract these measures, former members of the Confederate military formed the Ku Klux Klan, to intimidate, and if necessary assassinate any black who rose to political prominence and the whites who supported them.

When the southern states were again granted political sovereignty starting in 1878, the Democrats quickly regained control and passed what were come to be known as the “Jim Crow” laws to effectively deny all civil rights to the freed blacks by creating the policies of “Segregation” which would later be copied by the South Africans when they established their “Apartheid” system in 1948.  These harsh laws created a mass exodus to northern cities, particularly during the Great Depression and then during the Second World War, when job opportunities arose in the defense industries.

Although the Democrats courted the black vote in some of these northern cities, the Southern Democrats fiercely fought against “Civil Rights” legislation.  The majority of House and Senate Democrats, both north and south, voted against the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which only passed because the majority of Republicans in both houses voted for it.  Why then do the majority of African-Americans vote for Democrats?  Why do they continue to believe in the promises of Democrat politicians which are never realized after the election?

The current open border policies of the Biden-Harris regime will hurt people in the lowest income groups the most, by increasing competition for jobs and depressing wages.  All this is great for the major corporations, but in direct opposition of people trying to move out of poverty and into the American Middle Class.

American blacks have maintained their demographic position in this country for the last sixty years and more.  It stays somewhere in the 13 to 14% range.  Meanwhile, the Hispanic population is expanding rapidly, soon to overtake Caucasians, who will then become another minority in this country.  This situation will only be exacerbated by a tidal wave of illegal migrants flooding across  our southern border.  So how do the policies of the current administration benefit American blacks?

The simple answer is they don’t, and more and more of them are beginning to realize that fact.  To distract them, the Democrats are now dangling the shiny prize of “Reparations” in front of them.  The process of “Tribalization” that the Democrats are pursuing will come back to haunt blacks who support the Democratic agenda.  The other “tribes” in this country will simply not condone being taxed to elevate financially a group with whom they are in direct competition for jobs, goods and services.  In the end, human nature will prevail.

The Democrat elites, led by individuals like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, live in a “La-La Land”  where “Green New Deal” created rising energy costs will have no effect on their supporters.  In fact, rising energy costs affect everything we purchase.  We are currently heading down the road to runaway inflation, all created by the “Tax and Spend” policies of the Democrats.  Who are hurt the most by rising inflation?  You guessed it, the poorest among us and the Middle Class they are striving to become.

As in the case of de-funding local law enforcement to satisfy the demands of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, it is the minority communities, predominantly black neighborhoods, who will suffer the most from the lack of a police presence.  Most deadly force used in these places is from their own population, not law enforcement.  It is black on black crime, and they are well aware of that fact. 

That is why African-Americans who can afford to have been leaving the majority black communities in droves for years.  Contrary to the statements of people like Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, Shiela Jackson Lee and the whole BLM crowd, ghetto blacks know exactly who is to be feared the most.  To paraphrase the old “Pogo” cartoon character’s statement: “They have met the enemy, and it is them”!

So again, are American Blacks stupid?  No, they aren’t, but many of them have been acting stupidly for generations, by buying into the Democrats lies.  They don’t need equity, they need equality, and they had better figure out the difference between the two.