Lessons From 2020

If there is one lesson that conservatives must learn from the results of the 2020 election it’s this. We can no longer trust the “System” of government which has been cleverly crafted by the likes of George Soros and others of his ilk, to “Transform America” into some kind of semi-socialist nation,  which is nothing like what our Founding Fathers envisioned. 

We have been “Transformed” all right, but not into something better, but instead into a tribalist society, with every grievance group demanding a bigger piece of the pie that they did little or nothing to create.  Instead of a great melting pot, where people of many different races and backgrounds could come together and share their strengths and shed their weaknesses, we have been thrown into a witches cauldron where nothing but fear, loathing and envy survives. 

I have come to believe that we have been tricked into the concept that we should all somehow blend into a “chocolate” society, mixing whites, blacks, yellows and browns, with perhaps a smattering of reds as well, ending up with a truly faceless society, which is exactly what socialism, taken to it’s extreme as communism, envisions.  I believe our creator made the various races different for a purpose, perhaps to compete with each other for excellence, and so improve mankind as a whole.  That does NOT make me a “White Supremacist”, but rather a person that believes, that ALL men are created equal, no matter their skin color, which should be irrelevant.  It is what they DO with their lives that counts.

Anyone who denies the fact that the 2020 election was fraudulent truly has their head in the sand.  The evidence is there if you only are willing to open your eyes and ears to the facts.  The reality that Big Media, Big Tech and the Deep State put their thumb on the scale and prevented the American public from hearing the truth about Joe Biden, including his medical situation, his financial dealings, and his families actions should concern, no frighten, us all.  History is replete with examples of what happens to nations where free speech is suppressed under the concept of a “greater good”.  It never ends well.  It is the precursor, of repression, domination and dictatorship.

Once again, as occurred in 1861, a group of states has determined, by their actions, to radically affect the Republic.  Not by seceding this time, but rather by preventing the will of the people to be known, and allowing their state’s constitution to be violated, by changing their election laws without the expressed approval of their state legislature.  Because of this, massive voter fraud has been perpetrated in key counties in so-called “Battleground States”.

That the Supreme Court, the highest seat of justice in the land, would refuse to hear from multiple states about their concerns that their citizen’s voting rights have been compromised, indeed invalidated by the actions of other states, in this federal election cycle because of a legal technicality is inconceivable.  They, as well as lower courts, have lost the respect of well over one hundred million Americans.  The SCOTUS is literally, our Court of Last Resort, and it has failed us.

What other avenues do we have to fight back against this awful illegal power grab?  As I see it, there are only two.  Armed insurrection against the Democrat controlled government cabal.  Or, and I believe this is a far better idea, having the “Flyover Country” red states join together and refuse to implement the directives coming from a Biden-Harris- Schumer-Pelosi controlled Washington. 

If their power is derived by the consent of the governed, don’t give it to them.  I would suggest that Republican Governors and State Legislators direct their citizens not to pay taxes to the federal government, but rather to the state treasuries, where it would be put in a sort of escrow account.  Then those states would make contributions to the federal coffers for programs and policies which they agree with, such as the military, highway and airport maintenance, the air traffic control system, border and port security, and of course Social Security and Medicare for American Citizens only. 

Obviously, this is only a short list, but in this manner the red states could refuse to fund the programs that are diametrically opposed to the best interests of their residents.  There would be nothing for the Green New Deal, paying off the student loans for individuals who borrowed thousands to obtain degrees that had virtually no chance to provide meaningful income after graduation, and allowing an ever increasing flood of illegal immigrants into our country to use our social services and depress our wages. 

Finally, not one cent to pay off the debt incurred by the blue states while they bloated their budgets with useless and unjustified wage scales and retirement packages for state employees.  Only in this way can we cut the purse strings and prevent the Democrats from further bankrupting our country and shredding our Constitution.

Basically, conservatives believe in the concepts put forth by the Founding Fathers when they crafted our Constitution.  We believe in limited, not ever expanding control of our lives by a federal system of bureaucracies who are not responsive to the people, but rather only to the politicians, and frequently not to them either.  They must be brought to heel, and as rapidly as possible for the good of the nation. 

All of us, ordinary citizens, politicians and government employees alike, must be under the same system and constraints.  Government employee medical and retirement programs should be abolished, and their funding commingled with Social Security and Medicare.  Politicians and bureaucrats would be far more judicial with their spending and administration if their decisions affected them as well.

So that’s it.  Do we want to end up with another violent revolution,  another armed war between the states, or do we want a return to the values of our Republic, which was formerly the beacon of liberty and justice to the planet?   We simply must fight back.  The only question is how?  These are the lessons we must learn, from what happened to us in the “Year of the Pandemic”…….2020.