The Third Revolution?

This statue is called The Emancipation Group Memorial, and it was removed from its pedestal in downtown Boston on December 29th after critics deemed the monument to be “demeaning and racist”.

The statue depicts a shirtless former slave rising to his feet from broken shackles while Lincoln towers over him, a hand outstretched, to symbolize emancipation.  At its base, an inscription reads: “A race set free and the country at peace. Lincoln rests from his labors.” 

It was installed in 1879 and was largely financed by contributions from former slaves and their families.  How, you might ask, is that “demeaning and racist”?  No matter, just another example of the Cancel Culture promoted by the left.

What is occurring at the present time is a concerted effort by the left to transform this country into some sort of perceived Socialist Utopia.  They have already co-opted much of our educational system and the mass media, print or electronic.  They control many of our most populous states and major metropolitan areas.  Now, emboldened by the perceived ability to control our electoral processes, they plan a total takeover of our country.

So, it’s like being backed up to the edge of a cliff.  We are standing with our heels just at the edge of a thousand foot drop, and the left continues, not too gently, to push on our chest. How far will we let them go before we push back, and forcefully, to ensure our survival?  For me, and many others, that time is nearly here.  The left can only succeed if we let them.

Our first revolution began after a relatively small portion of the population of the American Colonies grew tired of “Taxation Without Representation” and rebelled against it.  There were many other serious issues of course, but that was the genesis of the conflict which gave us our Republic.

Our second revolution occurred when a group of slave holding states feared that a growing abolitionist movement in the North would succeed in permanently ending the practice in the new nation.  Most, but not all of the citizens of the seceding states, were willing to take up arms to defend their right to determine their own destinies.  In the North, an even larger group was willing to fight to preserve the Union their recent ancestors had fought and died to establish.  Over six hundred thousand Americans died in that conflict. Many more were horrifically wounded.  All the more tragic, because most historians agree the the South’s “Peculiar Institution” would have collapsed because of world opinion in a few years anyway.

Now, I feel we are on the brink of a new armed conflict in this country.  The issue will once again be whether our Constitutional Republic will survive, or be replaced.  This time by a Socialist state.  If the Democrats don’t stop pressing their agenda, they will find to their horror that we are still a land of patriots, who are willing to fight, and if need be die, to preserve this nation in the form intended by the Founding Fathers.  It will be a fight to the finish, make no mistake about that.  Ignore that fact at your own peril.