Legalized Infanticide?

Senate Democrats yesterday were instrumental in defeating the so-called “Born Alive Bill”,  the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,  which would guarantee babies who survived a late term abortion attempt the right to medical care.

Those same Democrats say that those who feel the Second Amendment to our Constitution guarantees citizens the right to bear firearms for self defense are just extremists who pose a danger to society.

They also feel that it is perfectly acceptable to “abort” a baby in the mothers womb up to the point in the pregnancy where the woman has gone into labor prior to delivery.  Not to allow that, they say,  is a violation of a woman’s “reproductive rights”.

Think about that concept.  Self defense is evil, but what amounts to legalized murder, is not.

With the multitude of  birth control methods which have been available to women for a very long period of time, to justify late term abortions of human beings as somehow just another method of birth control is a monstrous concept.

Various peoples over the millennia of human history have sanctioned infanticide.  The Canaanites, Spartans, Nazis and Communist Chinese all justified the process as an acceptable method of “cleansing” their societies of inferior or unwanted children.  Have we in this country fallen that far in our moral beliefs?

A woman’s “Right to Chose” must also include the necessity to be responsible in her sexual behavior.  In the case of rape or incest, the “Morning After Pill” terminates a pregnancy when the subject is just a small collection of cells, with very little risk to the woman involved.  Most first world countries on this planet have strict rules about allowing abortions past the first trimester of a pregnancy.  We can only hope that our nation will not become the leader in a death cult concept which justifies the killing of innocents who  don’t have the means to defend themselves.  That is a very dark place indeed.