Dr. Emanuel’s Death Wish

In 2014 Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the smiling gentleman at left, bother of Chicago Mayor and Obama confidant Rahm Emanuel, wrote an article in The Atlantic which stated that it was his desire to die at age seventy-five.  He was then fifty-seven years old, and that gave him another eighteen years on the planet until his desired date to meet with the “Grim Reaper”.  That’s almost a quarter of his perfect lifespan. 

Five years later, he still has another thirteen years to enjoy the good life while pushing grandma and grandpa off the cliff.  It’s kind of like a clip from the 1973 movie “Soylent Green” which is set in 2022 New York City.  There are now forty million people living there and pollution has caused global warming which has killed off all our natural resources,  creating a food emergency.  What are all the hungry people going to eat, and where are they going to get it from?  Dual answer: Human Protein and from the bodies of “useless” senior citizens.

Using Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives Theory”, which basically states that between certain ages, say fourteen and Sixty-five, you are a “productive” member of society as a whole. Before and after that timeframe, you are just a “user” not producing sufficient benefits to justify expending scarce medical resources on your medical problems or needs. It’s a sliding scale process, where young adults are prioritized over younger children and they in turn are given priority over infants, which of course are the ultimate “useless” individual.

At the opposite end of Emanuel’s life cycle theories come senior citizens.  The average life span has gradually increased on a yearly basis, and as such the “normal” retirement age has risen with it.  However, as a whole, Emanuel believes that the average senior is in an inevitable state of decline, both physically and mentally, and as such should be denied medical care which should be reserved for the “Golden Middle”.  In addition, people with physical or mental handicaps should also be written off if they are unable to prove their worth to the collective society.

Does any of this sound familiar? I would suggest that you study the writings of Margaret Sanger and her proponents in Nazi Germany, whose first gassing victims weren’t Jews or Gypsies, but instead mentally or physically deficient individuals who were of no value to the “Master Race”

The latest actions of Senate Democrats to block legislation intended to mandate medical care for infants who survived abortion attempts and were born alive, should prove instructive.  Virtually all of the potential Democratic Presidential candidates for the upcoming election voted to defeat the measure.  Is that where we really want this country to go?  Becoming a nation that endorses the concept of infanticide, matricide and patricide?   If so, it’s not a place for me.  I’m already past Emanuel’s magic age, so I’d better watch out, and stay healthy.