Democrat Lemmings?

As I watch the machinations of the Democratic Party in 2019 I am dumbfounded.  I knew it was going to be bad after they retook the House of Representatives last November, but I had no idea how bad.  It is like a herd of lemmings racing towards a cliff.

From Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Bernie Sanders, and everyone in between, they are all trying to prove how far left they are willing to drag their political party, and the list of Presidential hopefuls keeps expanding.  Barack Obama had already broken the “Politics stops at the shoreline” tradition when he bad mouthed the country while overseas during the 2008 campaign and the continued to do so after his election.  His V.P., “Crazy Joe” Biden, has continued that process by once again mocking President Trump and the Republicans while speaking at a conference in Europe.  Biden basically called them racists and xenophobes because they had the effrontery to want to secure our southern border and prevent tens of thousands of  illegal aliens from entering our country on an all too regular basis.

Biden, and the rest of the Democrats, are basically saying that EVERYONE  has the RIGHT to come to this country, and the RIGHT to be granted asylum, regardless of their motivation for doing so.  It then becomes the DUTY of the American taxpayers to fund the lifestyle of these economic “refugees” who are escaping from the poverty of their homelands.   In effect, they want to provide unobtainable cradle to grave security, not only for American citizens, but for ALL of the people on the planet, who can somehow get here and set foot on our soil. Just one problem.

You can only cut the pizza pie slices so slim before they disappear altogether.  While decrying the current debt level in this country (which they totally ignored while President Obama DOUBLED the national debt during his two terms in office) they are demanding this foreign invasion continue, while we provide unlimited healthcare, free housing, a “living wage” (whether you choose to work or not), and unlimited free education for all.  This is the biggest “Ponzi Scheme” in history, and the Democrat Lemmings are lapping it up like cherry flavored Kool Aid.  It’s Kool Aid, alright, just like the believers in Jim Jones drank down in Guyana at the “Jonestown Massacre” forty years ago. Except this time, the true believers will take the whole country down with them. Or so they think……… Stay tuned.