Dems Trifecta Plus One

Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters.  A trifecta of Democratic Party intelligence, or lack thereof.  However, they are all now Committee Chairmen of important House committees.  Sorry Maxine, no PC pronouns in this blog.  They chair the House Judiciary Committee, the House Intelligence Committee and the House Financial Services Committee respectively.  This triumvirate is joined by Elijah Cummings who heads the House Oversight Committee.  What do they have in common?  Oh yes, they were all disruptive leaders of the “Resistance Movement” led by none other than former President Barack Obama, our community organizing “Disrupter in Chief”.

So, at least until January of 2021, these individuals will concentrate, not on fixing a seriously broken judicial system as administered by some of the leadership of the FBI, or figuring out how much our intelligence agency activities eroded under James Clapper and John Brennan.  They won’t try to figure out how we can stop the inexorable slide toward national bankruptcy created by a 22 Trillion dollar national debt, or even how we can secure our southern border and stem the flow of illegal drugs which are killing our citizens in ever growing numbers every year.

Instead, they, and all the other chairmen of the various House committees and the Democrat members of same, will concentrate on the important goal of removing Donald Trump from office, or at the very least preventing his reelection.  Political power is their only goal, and the American public had better never forget it.  The massive challenges our country faces on so many fronts be damned.  They will solve them by “Fundamentally Transforming” our nation into a Socialist Paradise where they, as the predominant political force, will rule us forever from their non-productive enclaves on both coasts and the upper midwest.

We have to thank for this situation the numerous Republican “Never Trumpers” and “RINOs” Republicans in the House, who retired in sufficient numbers to allow the Democrats to regain control of the House, and nearly the Senate as well.  Their feckless actions have precipitated a series of events which will inevitably continue to divide, rather than unite us as a nation.  The stakes are unbelievably high.  If Americans who believe in our Constitution and the Constitutional Republic it allows don’t stand up and take back the House in 2020, while maintaining control of the Senate and White House, this country, as we have known it from its inception, may be lost forever.  Its your choice America.  Stand up and be counted, or be ground into dust by our foreign adversaries and the American political “Quislings” who are, hopefully at least,  their unwitting allies.