Biometrics = Security

How do you tell if a politician is lying?  Easy, their lips are moving!  Yes, that’s perhaps trite and an oversimplification, but it is what many Americans are coming to believe is true. Case in point, immigration and border security. 

Politicians on both sides of the aisle have assured us for years of the necessity to have secure borders, and the American public as a whole believed them.  The problem is that most of them were lying through their teeth, and became indignant when we pointed that out.  Chuck Schumer, for instance,  stated emphatically that we needed a secure southern border, and advocated a wall or other physical barrier to accomplish that task.  You can view his unedited speech on YouTube.

The same is true for many prominent Republicans, including President George W. Bush, former Speakers of the House John Boehner and Paul Ryan, and a multitude of others when they needed to get elected and were aware that a majority of Americans wanted secure borders.  However, when it came time to vote on the matter, they were nowhere to be found.  The “Wall” hasn’t been built, and we are basically as vulnerable along that 1200 mile stretch as we ever have been, with the exception of the few miles of significant wall that has been constructed.

We were told by the left that it was a “humanitarian” crisis, that the masses of people in the “caravans” were just families seeking a better life for their children in our country.  When it was proven that the majority of the “migrants” were indeed young men in their twenties and thirties, the open borders crowd, financially supported by the likes of George Soros and others, quickly changed tactics and began cobbling together “families”, including children who were not related to the men and women who claimed to be their parents. Because of our immigration laws, that action almost guaranteed them a free pass to enter, be granted temporary “asylum” status, and released unfettered into our country with a promise to return for a hearing on their asylum claim sometime in the future.  Statistics prove that the overwhelming majority simply disappeared into our society, only occasionally being found if they committed a crime and were apprehended.

To block the notion that illegal border crossings were the major factor in allowing illegal aliens into our midst, the open border supporters then claimed that the majority of illegals in our country actually came here legally, and then simply overstayed their visas.  That may be partially true, but we have no real way of knowing, because we don’t have a functional method of tracking visa holders, and making sure they leave when the visa expires.

James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence under the Obama administration, was finally forced to admit that the vast computer network of the National Security Agency was capable of spying on American citizens by intercepting and reading their emails and social media posts as well as listening in on their telephone conversations. If we have those abilities, why then can’t we track down those who have overstayed their visas, or are awaiting hearings on their applications for asylum or refugee status?  There are ways to do that.

Biometric scanning of all arriving individuals retinas, and doing a 3-Dimensional facial recognition scan on all of them, could be tied into CCTV cameras around the country, which could give ICE agents real time data, and leads to detain and deport those who are in our country without our permission.  Indeed, a case can be made for doing non-invasive DNA testing of all “families” who enter illegally and then claim asylum or refugee status. The family ties would have to be proven before they are released from detention at the border.  This could stop the child exploitation and sex trafficking which is currently rampant among illegals at the southern border.

Finally, the return rate for individuals released in our country who are supposed to report for an immigration hearing is statistically less than 10%.  Only a small portion of those who do report for those hearings are eventually granted asylum or refugee status.  So,  it would seem reasonable to require all adults so released be required to wear a non-removable electronic ankle or wrist bracelet, which will allow authorities to monitor their location.  If they should remove the bracelet without permission, that should automatically disqualify them for consideration of legal status, and mandate immediate deportation.