Liar, liar….

As we watch the debate over whether the Congress should pass yet another “Continuing Resolution” to keep the government open, or endure another “Partial Shutdown” I am taken back to the days of my childhood, long before the constraints of Political Correctness arrived on the scene.  When kids heard what was an obvious fib, they would point at the person who uttered same and shout “Liar, liar, pants on fire!”  I believe the same comment applies to members on both sides of the political aisle in Washington, D.C.

Any rational, unbiased person must agree that it is absolutely necessary to have secure borders if a country is to exist. National boundaries are there for many reasons, economic, social and defensive among them.  To believe that we can have a world without borders is as naive as believing we can have total economic equality.  There have always, from the dawn of mankind, been social and economic strata in all societies, whether they were “civilized” or not.  Even in animal species lower down on the food chain, there are “Alpha” males and females.  They get the best food, and sleep in the most comfortable spots.  It is animal, not just human, nature.

Those who would demand a “Socialist” society would do well to examine the history of that belief system.  Every socialist society which has ever existed has been extremely stratified in the socio-economic levels of the various individuals who comprise the “collective”.  In Soviet Russia, for example, the Politburo lived extremely well, with lavish apartments in the cities and county “Dachas” for whiling away weekends and summer vacations, away from the unwashed masses in the cities.  They shopped in well stocked stores, rode in large chauffeured vehicles, and dined in restaurants not open to the average citizen. That is true in every socialist or communist state today.  In the Western Hemisphere, Cuba and Venezuela are classic examples of the economic stratification of the rulers versus the ruled.

So, as our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms are whittled away by politicians, mainly on the left, the average American must ponder the motivation of the Democrats (and some “Republicans”) who are willing to allow our borders to remain basically unsealed and unmonitored for vast stretches of territory.  On the “Republican” side, it can only be from pressure by certain segments of the business community to have unlimited cheap labor costs available for the foreseeable future.  On the Democrat side, it is to increase a base of low skilled, poorly educated people arriving in our country.  With the constant push for legalizing these individuals, and demandingr a quick pathway to citizenship, all the while fighting any attempt to secure our polling places by demanding proof of residence and citizenship to vote, their motives are exposed.

Quite simply, they feel that these newcomers will be drawn to the Democrat Party by promises of financial assistance totally unavailable in their home countries.  If these people vote, legally or illegally, they will put, and keep, the Democrats in power indefinitely.  So, the next time you hear a Democrat call  to abolish “ICE” or fight fervently against a border wall, saying that they are really proponents  of border security, however those who want a physical barrier are just racists, and xenophobes, remember the phrase: Liar, liar, pants on fire!”   It kind of fits, doesn’t it?