Into your own hands?


It has always been the case in this country, at least during my lifetime, that it was considered abhorrent to “Take the law into your own hands”.  That wasn’t necessary.  We had a system of government which protected the citizenry, at least most of the time.  Of course there was criminal activity, but it was relatively rare, and most people went a lifetime without ever being the victim of a criminal act.  We had laws and law enforcement personnel to protect us.  We had legal, CONSTITUTIONAL rights.

In a shockingly short period of time, that system and the protections it provided, are disappearing.   From the moment Barrack Obama was elected president under the vague promise to “Fundamentally Transform America” we have witnessed a gradual decline in our basic rights as American citizens.  Indeed, the passing of the “Patriot Act” during the Bush ’43 administration after the attacks of 9/11 was a precursor to what was to come.

That poorly thought out piece of legislation allowed the formation of yet another federal bureaucracy, the TSA, which would have the power to deny American citizens the right to air travel based on unknown secret criteria, which didn’t have to be explained to the persons involved.  Americans found that their telephone calls and emails were being monitored by the NSA.  Abuses of the system which started under Bush were greatly expanded under the Obama administration.

When Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, the Democratic Party began a concerted effort to delegitimize the Trump Administration and thwart any attempts to begin to restore our Constitutional rights, under Trumps concept of “America First” and “Make America Great Again”.  That didn’t fit into the plans of the “Globalists” who wished to bring this country to heel, if not to its knees.  A strong and vibrant America was good for the American citizens, but bad for those who sought global domination and a “New World Order”.  So, people like George Soros began to fund the campaigns, not of Senators and Congressmen, but rather state Attorney Generals and local Mayors, District Attorneys and Prosecutors.  These were the people who had direct control over our daily lives in a positive or negative fashion.

The arrival of the Wuhan Virus from China as early as the fall of 2019 was a Godsend to the left.  It was used as a mechanism to control the population and implement critical changes in our election procedures which permitted election fraud in critical areas of the country which could throw the election to Biden-Harris and allow a takeover of the Senate as well as the House.  All this because of a “National Emergency”.

Someone should have pointed out to the members of the Supreme Court of the United States that a “National Emergency” if indeed one existed, did not eliminate or in any way overrule our Constitution and the rights and guarantees it provided our citizens. Unfortunately, that body failed us, and by allowing the obvious election violations to stand unchallenged, gave the current administration power over this nation.

From day one, our mentally challenged president and the regime he leads have begun to dismantle this nation as it was formerly constituted.  By throwing open our southern border to millions of illegal aliens from countries around the world, he is bent on completely changing our demographics, not over time, but in an ever increasing rate. Because these people are not tested by the federal authorities for any diseases, they are bringing Covid-19 and all its variants into our country and allowing the contagions to spread.  That fact alone should justify the impeachment of Biden and Harris and the removal of the Speaker of the House from office.  But of course that won’t happen.

Under this regime, our country will continue its downward spiral until enough of its citizens are willing to say ENOUGH, and are ready to fight back.  The Democrats have proven that they are capable of staging a coup by cheating during an election.  It is also evident that our current judicial system is not up to the task of protecting Americans and providing relief from the physical threats of groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

So where does that leave us?  As I see it, we have just two choices.  We can submit to the abuses, or we can resist them.  It’s as simple as that.  The only question is, if we do choose the path of resistance, what form will that take?  In my opinion, we can’t wait for a ballot box solution in 2022 and 2024.  Too much damage will have been done by that time. We will have gone past the “Point of No Return”.  In aviation terms that is defined as that point, in an ocean crossing, where you no longer have the fuel to return to your point of departure or any of its alternate airports.  You must continue, even though you might have insufficient fuel to make it.  A grim situation indeed.  Many bad decisions had to have been made to put your flight in that precarious position.

However, that is EXACTLY where we find ourselves now in this country.  We are being defeated from within, not without.  This is exactly what Presidents Lincoln, Reagan and indeed Trump warned us about.  We don’t have time to “Worry about it tomorrow”.  We must address it today, and every day forward until we regain control of this nation and our God granted destiny.  How, you say?

Well the first step is to contact your local Country Sheriff.  You elected them to be the final firewall against attacks from without.  They are your LAST line of defense against federal overreach.  Call their office and request an appointment to see them to discuss your concerns.  Tell them they should be holding town hall meetings to hear the concerns of those who put them in office.  Hold them accountable for their actions or inactions.  The same goes for your local city councilmen, mayors or city managers.   They hire your non-elected law enforcement officials and personnel.  Find out how ALL these people feel about your right to self defense under the Second Amendment.   You need to know that now, before an attempt to confiscate your legal weapons by the federal government occurs.

Next, prepare for the worst case scenario.  If you aren’t armed, responsibly arm yourself. Have sufficient food and water available to supply your needs for an extended period of time should an emergency, national or local, occur.  The recent cyber attacks against our fuel distribution system and beef processing facilities could well just be testing our ability to respond to much more serious events.  You can’t expect to government, especially THIS federal government, to protect you.  You must rely on yourselves, your local family members, and your neighbors if the unthinkable happens.

If your local government makes it available, go through “CERT” training.  Don’t know what that is?  It stands for Community Emergency Response Team.  It’s a federally funded program generally administered by your local county, frequently through the Sheriff’s Department.  You can find out more about it by going to:

In short, wake up and get involved.  Our country and our liberty is being stolen.  No, worse than that, we’re giving it away by our inaction.  Call your Federal Senators and demand they vote against the “Infrastructure Bill” currently being debated by that body.  If you thought the provisions of the Patriot Act were bad, the things being snuck in as part of this legislation are far worse and more invasive.  Time available to stop these abuses is short and getting shorter.  Don’t say you weren’t warned.   Do something before you are forced to take the law into your own hands.  See you at the barricade on the front lines.