
What you see above is a “Cultural” map of Africa.  In effect it is a “tribal” map.  These tribes for thousands of years have fought against each other or made temporary alliances to defend themselves from stronger oppoenents.  Some, like the Zulu, rose from relative obscurity to dominate their neighbors when dynamic leaders like Shaka Zulu took control of the tribe.

One thing is consistent in all of African history.  All who rose to power did so through extreme violence, both against their own people as well as the other tribes they came in contact with.  The coming of European expansion beginning in the fourteen hundreds created artificial countries, cobbled together from various formerly autonomous tribal lands. 

As long as these “Colonial” countries were controlled by Europeans, an uneasy peace was enforced on the tribal members.  However, as the colonial powers were forced to divest themselves of their overseas empires,  and turn power over to the indigenous populations, the old enmities reemerged.  Perhaps the most violent of those was between the Hutus and the Tutsi.

These two tribes occupied the area which comprises modern day Rwanda.  The Hutus were mainly farmers and outnumbered the Tutsi, who bred and raised cattle.  The area which now comprises Rwanda was first colonized by Germany and later Belgium after WW-I.  The Belgians favored the Tutsi, who were taller, lighter skinned, and more European in appearance, over the Hutu, who were shorter and darker in coloring.  That favoritism led to several incidents where the Tutsi dominated ruling class was decimated after Rwandan independence was achieved in 1962, and a Hutu regime was installed.

Violence between the two factions was commonplace over the next thirty years.  This precipitated a civil war induced genocide.  Between April and July of 1994, estimates of over one million Tutsi and moderate Hutus were massacred by Hutu extremists, frequently hacked to death with machetes.

Now, in this country, the Democratic Party is pushing a divide and conquer policy where Americans of different races will be pitted against each other to gain not equality, but rather “equity”, specifically for African-Americans.  Those who speak out against this concept are instantly branded as racists.  As happened in Rwanda, when an oppressed MAJORITY of the population is demonized by a minority, it inevitably rebells and strikes back.  Signs of that are already happening here.  It is possible to create racists where none, or at least relatively few, previously existed.

Lowering scholastic standards to accommodate poorly performing minority students, instead of working to bring them UP to acceptable levels, is real racism in action.  It is the racism of low expectations.  It is past time for responsible American blacks to stand up and work with the rest of America to correct the real inequities the Democrat policies have created in the communities they control.  The reverse discrimination allowed by so-called “Affirmative Action” laws must cease.  Calls for “Reparations” must stop.  These concepts are tearing this country apart, and will inexorably lead to a violent end if they don’t stop, and NOW!   A Republic such as ours can’t exist under a tribalist society.