Rules of the Road

Over the last few years there has been a gradual breakdown in our society, and it’s accelerating at an alarming rate.  I’ll give you an example.  When was the last time, particularly in or near a large metropolitan area, that you saw most drivers obeying the speed limit?  Never, I’ll bet.

Should you choose to observe the thirty-five mph limit in a residential area, or even fudge a few miles over that, there will inevitably soon be a car riding your bumper, maybe  gesticulating wildly, or even flashing their lights or blowing their horn.  Get out of my way, they’re saying!  What’s the matter with you?

But wait, you’re just obeying the law, you think to yourself.  No matter.  The other driver thinks it’s a stupid law, and is in a hurry.  So, if he can’t intimidate you into speeding up, he’ll recklessly pass you, cut you off, and maybe make an obscene gesture in the process. Thats if you’re lucky.  He could also end up rear ending your car, causing thousands of dollars in damage, and maybe even get involved in a violent “Road Rage” incident.  Why is this happening?

I think it’s because we have gradually morphed from a lawful, civilized country, where we generally respected each other and the rule of law, into a hedonistic society where there are no fixed rules, only suggestions.  This concept, taken to its extreme, allows all but the most egregious behavior to be excused, if not condoned.  Where does all this lead?  The simple answer is chaos, and we’re headed there as I write this.

In the name of “fairness”, many large cities around the country have adopted no cash bail laws, which allow criminals to be released on their own recognizance, within hours of their arrest.  Many of these people then go out and reoffend, often in a more serious crime.  The courthouses have indeed become revolving doors in many cases.  This does not bode well for the residents of the inner cities, and that is exactly where leftists are demanding that the police be defunded or eliminated altogether.

Now, District Attorneys and prosecutors. whose election campaigns have been funded by the likes of George Soros, are refusing to prosecute all but the most serious offenders. Career criminals are being put back on the streets in droves, and the results of those decisions are beginning to show up in rising crime rates.  The murder rates in many of the large Democrat controlled cities are out of control.  This lawless behavior will inevitably spill into our suburbs and semi-rural areas.  That concept has already been suggested by the likes of BLM and Antifa. 

In the late 1970s, New York City had become one of the most dangerous cities in America. Street crime was at record levels and rising,  and Democrat New York Mayor David Dinkins was doing nothing to stop it.   Then, Republican former federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani was elected Mayor, and in a few short years, working with his Police Commissioner and using the “Broken Windows” concept, the city was turned around, once again becoming a safe and secure place to live and visit.

After years of that being the case, under Giuliani and his successor Michael Bloomberg, the voters were foolish enough to elect the current Mayor, Democrat Bill de Blasio.  During his two terms in office, he has succeeded in turning the police force against him, and once again large areas of the city are crime ridden “No Go Zones”.

The root cause of that situation, as well as the decline of our society in general, is the lack of adherence to our laws, be they federal state or local.  People simply cannot be allowed to make up their own legal system as they go along, deciding which laws they will obey and which they will ignore.  If a law or edict is unpopular, rise up and defeat it as well as the politicians who imposed it on society.  Forget about worrying if you are going to “offend” someone.  If it’s stupid, change it, don’t ignore it.

The absolute worst example of this behavior is continuing to allow illegal aliens to enter our country, mostly across our southern border.  The vast majority of these people are not being tested for Covid or any other diseases, and they are currently spreading them throughout the length and breadth of our country due to the policies of the  Biden Regime. In addition, there are very few background checks going on.  We have no idea who these people are.

This must stop.  We must fully support any border state Governor who has the courage to seal off the southern border using their National Guard Troops and local law enforcement personell.    We must equally support the interior state Governors who will round up and incarcerate individuals who have been brought to their states illegally by the federal government, thus adding a burden to their financial resources.

Historian Victor Davis Hansen correctly points out that individuals who enter out country uninvited have broken our law.  They then break it a second time by remaining here illegally.  We’re talking about two million people this year.  Maybe more.  This must stop.  We don’t have the luxury of waiting until 2022 or 2024.  By that time, it might be too late to save this country and what it stands for. We must tell the Democrats and all who live in or want to come to this country that they have to obey our “Rules of the Road”.