NEVER Great?

Recently, at a SanDiego anti-Trump rally, protesters carried a sign, which stated, in blood dripping red letters: “America was NEVER great!”. 

That’s it.  I’ve had it with the mindless drivel being spouted by the loony left and heralded as being patriotic by American Pravda (aka: the mass media). Never great?  NEVER?

Tell that to the ghosts of Union Civil War soldiers who gave up their limbs or  lives to free the slaves, and reunite their country once again. 

Tell that to the millions of people who had the jackboots of totalitarian dictators removed from their throats by the efforts of our military, and the civilians at home who supported the war effort and manufactured the materiel which made victory over the Axis Powers in World War Two possible.

Tell that to the hundreds of millions of people who were saved from starvation and death by the reconstruction efforts of this country to rebuild a war ravaged planet after the end of World War Two.

Tell that to the tens of millions of citizens of Eastern European countries who were finally freed from Soviet domination and oppression after the United States won the “Cold War” and the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989. 

Tell that to the untold millions of people who we have helped after natural disasters devastated their countries.

A sign like that is proof positive of the statement:  “You can’t fix stupid!” 





