All gave some…………..

As we prepare to observe Memorial Day tomorrow, I am drawn to look back over the years to the very beginning of our nation.  The men and women who have fought and died to defend our freedoms didn’t do so out of selfish notions of glory or self aggrandizement.  I am sure they were frequently afraid, and even questioned the wisdom of the conflict they were involved in.  But they put that all aside and did their duty.  They served, and has been so eloquently stated: “All gave some. Some gave all”.  Those heroes, many who lie in our national cemeteries, gave up all their tomorrows to protect their comrades in arms and our precious freedoms.

Now, those freedoms are once again at risk.  We have people in this country who trust venal, dishonest politicians more than law enforcement and the military.  Who believe we are the aggressor, not the defender.  Who defile our flag and spit on our Constitution.  Who demand protection from the free speech rights of others.  Who admire thugs and criminals.  Who would have us bow to the will of dictators and terrorists.

These people would do well to look over their shoulders.  The spirits of all those who served in the past, especially those who “Gave All”, are back there.  They are joined by individuals who are currently serving, and millions of other patriotic Americans who appreciate their sacrifice and honor their memory.  I pray to God that will never change.