Check your six!

Those of us who voted for the Republican candidate in 2008 were voting FOR someone.  I wasn’t a big fan of John McCain, but I was very troubled with what I was hearing from Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate that year,  and felt McCain would be better for the country.  In 2012, I and many others were definitely voting AGAINST the thought of another four years of the Obama administration.  Sadly, millions of Republicans, many of them conservative evangelical Christians, failed to vote because the Republican candidate was a Mormon.  Big mistake!

After eight years of a liberal tidal wave washing over the country, taking jobs, personal liberties and national pride with it, enough Americans, including previously loyal blue collar Democratic voters from the “rust belt” states, had enough and gave Donald Trump an unlikely victory in the election.  Yes, as we are constantly reminded by the left and liberal media, Hillary Clinton got more votes than Trump.  However, that margin came from a few big cities in very liberal states with what can only be called suspect voting records.  Chicago (where the dead vote), Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Detroit and Boston (sanctuary cities all) are outspoken critics of voter ID laws.  One must wonder why?

Since the day after the Presidential election last year there has been a growing hysteria on the part of the liberal left.  Trump has been called a Fascist.  On the other hand, he has been accused of colluding with Russia, the birthplace of modern Communism.  Will plotting with space aliens be next?  Great Democratic intellects like California’s Maxine Waters (she of the James Brown style wigs) have been calling for Trump’s impeachment almost from day one, even before he took office.  Another symbol of the gene pool of the Democratic Party, Congressman Al Green from Texas, stated on the floor of the House of Representatives yesterday that “Our democracy is at risk”, and called for impeachment proceedings to commence.  I guess both Ms. Waters and Mr. Green don’t understand how this actually works.  To be considered for impeachment a politician first must be proven to have committed “High crimes and misdemeanors”, not just accused of same by his or her political opponents.

What all the political hacks just don’t understand is that Donald Trump isn’t a traditional politician.  He isn’t a politician at all.  He has been variously registered as a Democrat and a Republican, but he is in fact a Patriotic American!  He didn’t need this job and the headaches which came with it.  He just saw, very clearly, that our country was going down the tubes, following various pied pipers from the liberal, politically correct left.  It is obvious that much of the country has, or is coming to the conclusion that, he is absolutely right.

So, in the jargon of a fighter pilot “Check your six” liberals.  We’re back there, and in increasing numbers.  We’re protecting President Trump’s “six”, and our goal is to bring your movement down in flames, as we help President Trump “Make America Great Again”!