Save the Titanic?

Once again, Bill Whittle, on an episode of “Right Angle” which is viewable on YouTube, has come up with a perfect description of the current political state of affairs in this country.  Basically, he said that the Democrats were like passengers from the Titanic, sitting in the few lifeboats which survived, and hanging onto the pennant of the White Star Line, attached to the stern railing of the ship, vainly trying to keep it from sinking.  Think about that statement.  What a beautiful analogy of a desperate, but completely futile gesture.  In the current situation, the allegations about collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians is the pennant, and the Democratic Party is the Titanic.

From the first day of the Obama administration, the Democratic ship of state was headed for the iceberg, full speed ahead. After eight years, the Democrats had lost control of the Federal House and the Senate, lost most of the state governorships, and most of the state legislatures.  The shining example of the first minority president had devastated his party by any reasonable measurement. Then, the final bit of the iceberg arrived in the form of Hillary Clinton.  Her unbelievably bad campaign tactics allowed a Trump win in the only venue which mattered, the Electoral College.  The Democrat Titanic was going down, but there MUST be a way to save it!

Enter a somewhat tarnished “White Knight” in the form of the national media.  Grasping onto the only possible vestige which might damage Trump and the Republican administration, the media, led by the Washington Post and the New York Times, began an unbridled smear campaign against Trump and the administration, claiming collusion with the Russians to defeat Hillary.  They also claimed massive influence by the Russian regime on the actions of Trump and his associates.  But who is alleging this?  We don’t know, because “WaPo” and the Times are claiming the information came from various “high level” unnamed sources.  That the supposed “facts” are instantly disputed by the individuals involved makes no difference.  The accusation is more important than the evidence.

When witch trials of this type begin, everything is on the table.  The Democrats have a great deal of dirty laundry to be concerned about, and this time, there are enough people on the right who won’t stand by and allow the left to once again win by default. This can be very, very messy indeed.  Let’s start with this………. I have information that Obama is indeed a Muslim, but is afraid to admit this because he has had a history of homosexual relationships, and homosexuality is punishable by death according to the Quran.  Crazy, you say?  Well perhaps, but no more so than the current unproved accusations against Trump.  Let’s just wait to see what happens in the coming investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  My opinion?  The Democratic Titanic is going down, and it may well take what is left of the reputation of the American media with it.