Gun Violence?

I recently had an epiphany.  For many years I have had a concealed weapon permit (CWP), issued in several states where I lived.  I took the required training and passed the background checks for the permits with no difficulty. Being a westerner, I grew up around guns and hunters.  It was part of the culture.  I had always assumed that American citizens had the right to self defense, and the obligation to defend others against random violence.  Sadly, I no longer hold those views.  This is why.

Contrary to Federal laws and our Constitution, some cities and states would arrest, convict and imprison me if they discovered that I had an unloaded weapon, locked in a container, and kept in the trunk of my car as I transited their state on the way to another state where my weapon was completely legal.

Should I use my weapon to defend myself, members of my family or others from a violent attack, even in a location where procession of my concealed weapon is perfectly legal, I could be arrested and prosecuted by overzealous local authorities.  I can even be sued for damages by the family of the armed thug that I shot.  It is a classic example of the victim having less rights than the criminal.  Am I willing to accept that scenario in defense of myself and my family?  Of course.  But to defend innocent bystanders?  Sadly, probably not.

There is an obvious solution to this problem.  States and localities should provide “Good Samaritan” protection for citizens who act to defend the lives of others as well as themselves.  Perhaps local sheriffs and police chiefs should be able to “deputize” CWP holders who are willing to undergo additional weapons training and psychological evaluation, indemnifying them against prosecution if they act to defend others in a “active shooter” situation.

Contrary to what the gun control advocates believe, banning all guns except for law enforcement is a fantasy.  Much gun violence occurs in locations with very strict gun control laws.  Chicago is a classic example of that fact.  As the saying goes, “If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have them”.  That will include many current totally honest citizens who will refuse to surrender their weapons.

Remember one last fact.  Law enforcement personnel rarely prevent violence.  They attempt to limit it when it occurs, and arrest the criminals involved.  However, that’s after the fact.  Ponder another quote on the subject.  “When seconds count, the police will be there in minutes”.  Unfortunately, the fatalities caused by the shooter have already occurred.