The Coming Civil War?

Although there had been growing tensions between the radicals on both sides of the slavery issue, most Americans in the North had never even seen a slave, and most Southerners were not part of that “peculiar institution”, because only a small fraction actually owned slaves themselves.  I you had asked the average American on either side of the Mason-Dixon Line in 1860 whether they thought that within a year there would begin a conflict which would eventually cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of men, and shatter the bodies of many others who survived their wounds, you would have been viewed as a lunatic.  Yet, on April 12, 1861, with the firing on Fort Sumter by Confederate forces, such a conflict did begin, and lasted for over four years, laying waste to large sections of the south and mid-west.  The unthinkable had happened, and it can happen again.

This time it will not be “The war between the states” as it was commonly referred to in the North, or “The war of Northern aggression” as the Southerners called it, it may well be “The war between the counties” this time.  All those people in “Flyover Country” who have been ignored and reviled as bigots, xenophobes and racists by the Liberal/Progressives in the big cities of the country have had enough, and they are ready to fight back with whatever weapons they have at their disposal.  Although they do have many guns and bibles, they have another, even more potent weapon.  FOOD!  Although there might be a few trendy rooftop gardens in the big cities, the majority of the things the city dwellers eat are grown out there in the “Red” counties.  If you can’t get the food from the heartland to the big cities, you can’t buy it at any price.  Guess what?  A very large number of the American truckers are very conservative in their views.  Without the hammer of a Liberal led Department of Justice and IRS held over their head, rural citizens are taking back control of their lives, including their schools.  Transgender bathrooms and locker rooms?  No way!  Common Core, which no longer teaches American history?  Nope!  Preference to Muslim traditions and practices, while it is acceptable to deny Christians the ability to say a silent prayer before a football game?  Absolutely not!  Also, the fantasy of “10 to 12 million” illegals in this country forgets that they are breeding 3 or 4 “anchor babies” per illegal female.  Most of those being delivered at taxpayer expense.  That’s an additional 30 to 40 million people who are or will be using up the assets of this nation, most paying only sales and use taxes, contrary to the liberal mantra.

So, to all you liberals in the big cities of the Northeast, Midwest and “La La Land” on the West Coast.  You’re not coming for us anymore. We’re fighting back.   We’ve had enough of your lies and deceptions.  We’re taking back America, for American citizens and legal immigrants.  If you can’t buy off on that concept, there are many Socialist paradises in this hemisphere.  Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela to name a few.  Perhaps they’ll let you come and enjoy their “Progressive” lifestyle.  Adios……..