Adieu France….Adieu Europe As Well?

The election of Emmanuel Macron to the French Presidency does not bode well for that country, or the rest of Europe.  The millions of French citizens who failed to vote because of a cynical belief that the outcome was preordained may come to greatly regret that decision in the future.

While the birthrate of ethic French has declined below so-called “replacement” levels, (as is the case in most Western European countries), the birthrate of “immigrants”, particularly Muslim immigrants, has skyrocketed.  With many neighborhoods in the largest French cities, from Paris to Marseille, becoming Muslim dominated “No Go Zones” for French authorities, that countries cultural identity is almost inexorably sliding into oblivion.  Charles Martel, who drove the Muslin armies out of France after the Battle of Tours in 732 AD must be spinning in his grave!

The non-elected bureaucrats of the EU in Brussels have largely ignored the immigrant problem, while some European leaders, such as Germany’s Angela Merkel, have openly embraced the concept of open borders and unrestricted immigration.  That is simply cultural suicide.  I predict that there will be internal conflicts developing all over the continent which will not manifest themselves in a peaceful manner.  Blood will once again flow in the streets.

The concept of “Multiculturalism”, like Communism, has failed wherever it has been tried.  Immigrants to a countryy must blend into that society, not try to convert it into the society they left behind.  If you are not willing to do that you aren’t an immigrant, you are an invader.  Sad to say, we may be witnessing events which will make us say “Adieu France, and Adieu to the rest of Europe as we have known it!”