The Party of No?

The Democrats, for the entire period of the Obama administration, accused the Republicans of being  “The Party of No”.  The last three weeks seem to indicate the reverse is actually the truth.  The Democrats, from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have proven themselves to be nothing but petulant obstructionists.  They have fought every Trump cabinet appointee.  They have, with their allies in the national media, spread “leaks” from various government agencies which not only impugn the honesty of President Trump and his administration, but actively help to put our nation in danger.  If this type of behavior had occurred at the beginning of the Obama administration in 2009, the screams of “racism” and “obstructionism” would have been deafening.

Instead, the Republicans spoke out against the Obama policies, and refused to vote for them when issues like “Obamacare” were pushed through the Congress without a single Republican vote.  That’s not obstruction, that’s doing what the people who elected them told them to do.  If anything, the Republicans did too little to rein in the excesses of President Obama, and there were plenty of those.  From the poorly thought out and executed withdrawal from Iraq, which, coupled with his backing of the so-called “Arab Spring”, and the failure to stick to the “Red Line” threat in Syria, gave birth to ISIS and the current refugee crisis.  We can’t forget Benghazi, “Fast and Furious”, the failure to support the Ukrainians, and the absurd agreement with Iran which will surely lead to that country joining the nuclear armed nations if nothing is done to stop them.

Instead of learning from the defeats that have cost them the loss of control of both houses of the Congress, the majority of Governorships, the state legislators in many states, and now the Presidency, the Democrats are doubling down on their bet that the American public really wants their brand of Socialism.  We can only hope that they will continue their Lemming like march off the political cliff.  In the meantime, I hope that the Republicans will stiffen their spines and all start rowing in the same direction instead of worrying about reelection.  If they do their job, and support President Trump’s efforts to turn the economy around, secure our borders, and protect our citizens from threats existing within and without, their reelection will be assured.