Award Insanity………

Last night at the annual Grammy Awards we once again had a spectacle of a group of self styled “celebrities” going onstage and being encouraged by the media, in this case CBS, to “speak out” against the policies of the Trump administration.  So, a constant flow of singers and “rappers” paraded across the stage to receive their “Grammy” and then give disjointed statements about immigration, national security and “Islamophobes”.

In 1973, actor Marlon Brando refused to accept his “Oscar” and gave his acceptance speech time slot at the Academy Awards to Sacheen Littlefeather (aka: Marie Louise Cruz) a young woman in native dress who then gave a sixty second rant about the evils of the whites in their dealings with “Native Americans”.  She was booed off the stage.

Now, that type of behavior is considered normal.  In fact it is accepted and encouraged. Because they are “famous”, their opinions are supposed to be more important than those of the general public.  Well guess what?  They’re not.  My advice to all these puffed up pseudo-intellectuals who can’t put a coherent sentence together without adding a couple of “F” bombs for emphasis, is to sit down, shut up, and begin to educate yourself on the real issues before you spout off in front of the cameras.

Whether you are willing to accept it or not, we live in a dangerous world.  There are many out there who wish to do American citizens grievous harm.  No non-citizen has a “right” to enter this country.  That is a privilege we grant to others at our discretion.  People who have entered our country illegally or overstayed their legal visas have broken our laws.  Period.  They are by definition criminals.  Period.  What penalty we chose to impose upon them for their criminal acts is the only thing subject to debate.  We are either a country of laws or not.  The only other path is anarchy and chaos.