You OWE Us, America…..

Read the sign the guy at left carried in a Phoenix protest rally against deporting illegal aliens.  Think hard and long about what it says.  To all who dismiss those of us who want secure borders and approve of “The Wall” to help achieve that goal, I have a few questions.  They are, in no particular order:

Do you lock the doors and windows of your home, particularly at night?


If you came home from work one day and found a couple you didn’t know sitting on your couch, watching a pay for view movie on your big screen TV, and eating food from your refrigerator would you be upset?


If you found their suitcases in your guest bedroom, and discovered that they had taken personal items from your closet, would you mind?


If they told you that they intended to stay, and that they expected you to pay for their food and drink, medical and dental expenses, and educate their children when they came along, would you agree?

Why not?

After all, you weren’t using the guest bedroom, and they needed a place to stay, and anyway liked your house better than theirs.  You make more money than they do, and drive a better car.  Don’t you think that’s unfair?

Why not? Are you xenophobic or something?

That is EXACTLY the argument being made by the open borders crowd, except they don’t expect to have to foot the bill for the “migrants”.  They want YOU to do that for them.  Get it?

One last thing.  The people who have crossed our borders and entered our country illegally have committed a crime.  Those who would abet that crime by providing “sanctuaries” for the illegal immigrants are, in legal parlance, “accessories after the fact”.  That’s a crime too. If you don’t agree with our immigration laws, feel free to try to have them changed. However, until you accomplish that goal, you can’t just pick and choose what laws you will obey and which you will ignore.  There are penalties for that as well, and there is a new Sheriff in town.