Covid Induced Insanity

Since the first case of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus arrived in this country in late 2019 or early 2020, there has emerged another phenomenon.  I’m going to name it “Covid Induced Insanity”, or “CII”.  Unlike the disease which gave birth to it, this affliction has been nurtured and promoted by politicians around the world to gain greater control over their populations.

Individuals like Anthony Fauci have, under the mantel of “Science”, been able to implement measures which have shredded the fabric of our society.  Initially, we were told that it was necessary to basically shut down our country for fourteen days to “flatten the curve” of new Covid cases, by making people remain in their homes and cease all social interaction.  Most people felt that was reasonable, and complied.  Emboldened by their success, politicians on the left saw a golden opportunity to take control of this country, using the Pandemic as an excuse to implement draconian measures rarely seen in our Republic.

Because of the various lockdowns and mandates, millions of jobs have been lost as businesses were forced to close their doors.  Following the concept voiced by former Clinton Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel, who said “Never let a crisis go to waste”,  Democrat controlled cities and states began a diabolic crackdown on constitutionally mandated civil liberties unmatched in this nations history.

Their lust for power was insatiable.  They shut down schools and more businesses.  They crippled the airline industry.  Travel by air was highly restricted, with the number of filled seats on airplanes being so small that virtually every flight was operated at a loss.  In addition, passengers and cabin crews were required to wear a mask for the entire duration of the flight, regardless of length.  Hotels closed due to lack of customers, causing further loss of jobs in a multi-billion dollar industry.  And then it got worse.

Now, hospitals were forced to cancel all elective surgeries and procedures.  Cancer screening came to a halt.  People were forced to see their doctors “virtually” because medical offices were closed.  Dental care was highly restricted or completely unavailable.  People were prohibited from visiting their dying parents in nursing homes.  Because of a world wide pandemic panic,  we were losing, no, giving away, our Constitutional rights.

Then came another gift to the left.  A criminal thug named George Floyd resisted arrest after attempting to pass a counterfeit bill at a convenience store in Minneapolis, MN.  Although Floyd had a lethal amount of Fentanyl in his bloodstream, one of the arresting officers kept his knee on Floyd’s neck and back for over nine minutes.  Because this action possibly speeded up the inevitable medical outcome, it allowed Floyd to become a cause celeb for the left, particularly the “Black Lives Matter” movement, which then fomented violent riots around the country and even overseas.

These riots, and the arson and looting which ensued, were condoned by Democrats and the media.  They were described as “mostly peaceful” when they demonstrably weren’t.  All this was going on when the honest people in this country were being urged or even mandated to stay in their homes and avoid contact with non-family individuals.  Church services were prohibited, weddings cancelled, and funerals could only be attended by immediate family, if that.  We were told this was for our own good.

Because of the actions of the Trump administration, “Operation Warp Speed” produced several Covid-19 vaccines by December 2020.  The incoming Biden administration advised against taking them.  Until Biden/Harris were sworn in that is.  Then, the new administration took credit for their development, and began a series of mandates requiring all American citizens to be vaccinated, even those who had strong natural immunity, having recovered from Covid earlier in the pandemic. 

This has caused a backlash against these unconstitutional mandates, with some first responders and medical personnel either resigning, or being terminated if they refused to take the vaccines for personal, religious or medical reasons.  All this is a classical example of “CII”.

Dr. Anthony Fauci now assumed almost messianic status.  He represented “Science”, he stated, and must be obeyed.  Although he had been all over the place about the use of masks or other face coverings to prevent the spread of Covid and its variants, he stated that they were to be considered mandatory, both indoors and outside. 

Anyone who has researched the masking situation knows that the cheap masks most people favor are basically useless against something as small as a virus.  Only an N-95 mask or a cartridge respirator with a tight fitting seal can protect you.  A quick check of the effectiveness of your mask is if you can smell smoke or cooking odors while wearing the mask.  If you can, the mask offers no protection agains the much smaller viruses.

Because the original Covid-19 virus is an RNA virus, as is the Influenza virus, it naturally mutates, causing “variants” of the disease.  This is why they produce a new Flu Vaccine every year.  In the case of the Covid-19 virus, there have already been two known variants, the Delta and Omicron varieties.  While the Delta variant attacks lung function, and so is more serious to those at greater risk, the Omicron variant apparently attacks the upper respiratory track in a similar way that a common cold does, causing cold like symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and nasal discharge.  As such, it is more transmissible, but far less dangerous.

Regardless, “CII” has once again taken hold, with many European countries in the Panic Mode, calling for renewed lockdowns and travel restrictions.  The Democratic Party, sensing another opportunity to affect the 2022 election process, has jumped on the bandwagon, demanding new lockdowns and mandates.  Some school systems are again shutting down and re-instituting “distance learning” procedures, although the children and their teachers are at very little risk of being harmed by the Omicron variant.

It is becoming more and more apparent that many, if not most American citizens aren’t affected by “CII”, rather, our government bureaucracy and the administration are the ones who are willfully mentally handicapped.  What the school boards and teachers unions can’t seem to grasp is that parents have had enough.  The recent Virginia election proved that.  Americans are finally beginning to see Covid Induced Insanity for what it is, a tool used to control them by the Democrat Party of today.  The public is increasingly “Mad as Hell”, and they aren’t going to take it anymore! Politicians and bureaucrats ignore that fact at their peril.