A Little Ice……

The wings you see above were awarded to TWA Captains, a position I was privileged to hold for over twenty-six years with that once great entity.  Sadly, it no longer exists.  That is not the fault of its former employees, but rather because of an atrocious series of incompetent managements, which, with the help of corporate raider Carl Icahn, finally destroyed the airline.

I see an alarming parallel with what is happening to this country at the present time.  We are being led down a path that, if not stopped by an awakened population, will see this country also cease to exist, at least in the state intended by the Founding Fathers.  There is yet time to pull back from that abyss, but it is running short.

What has been described as the “Silent Majority” has allowed the radical left to take over critical segments of our society.  Probably the most important of those is our educational system.  Extreme left professors have been gaining power in our colleges and universities since the 1960s, and their influence continues to grow.  Their students have risen to power in all aspects of our society, including politics, the media, academia, corporations, and even the military.

The poisonous ideology they expound has come to be accepted as the truth by an ever expanding portion of the population.  If it is allowed to continue unchecked, we will not recognize this country in only a few short years.  We must not allow that to happen.

First and foremost, we must understand that the  attacks which will be attempted by the left against our Constitution, particularly the “Bill of Rights”, have nothing to do with reality.   Instead, they are simply a method to reclaim property they feel has been unjustly seized, and by schemes such as “reparations” and “equity”, redistribute wealth in a manner they deem to be just.

In the process of doing that, they are willing, no, eager,  to rip apart the very foundation which this nation has been built upon.  Abraham Lincoln said that “A house divided against itself cannot stand”.  He was referring to the division of our country into slaveholding and non-slaveholding states, but that also applies to a political party who believes in our Constitution as written, and one that doesn’t.

There is no middle ground here.  The Founding Fathers allowed for the document they created to be changed, but by an orderly process of “amending” the Constitution, not just disregarding it because of the desires of a particular group or groups.  That’s where we are right now.  The left, and that would include the Democratic Party, is being ruled by the mobs, and there are many of those.

The Biden administration is proceeding to weaponize various federal agencies, including the CIA, CDC, FBI, FDA, OSHA, NSA and IRS, among others, against the American people. Nancy Pelosi’s House is acting like a third world dictatorship, criminalizing any political dissent against the administrations policies.  This is both dangerous and frightening.  It will, if not brought under control, lead us down a path not seen since 1860.  We all know what that led to.

Worse than all of this is what is happening on the international scene.  The United States is being viewed by many,  if not most foreign governments as being governed by incompetents and led by a mentally challenged fool.  A group of very dangerous actors are willing and able to take advantage of that situation.  The America haters, both here and abroad, are eagerly anticipating our downfall, and that downfall can take many forms.

It could occur in a nuclear holocaust should the Biden Administration push Russia too far over Ukraine, but a far more likely scenario is an EMP attack on this country by any number of countries, including China, Iran, North Korea or Russia.  Recent reports indicate that China has been developing just such a capability, and North Korea has several low altitude satellites which pass over our country many times a day.  If they contain low yield nuclear devices, they could effectively take us off the world stage in a matter of seconds, destroying our electrical power grid and driving us back into the nineteenth century.

So who do we have to thank for putting us in this situation?  The scheming, cheating Democratic Party for sure, but also the Republican leadership which abandoned President Trump after the January 6th farce at the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.  Allowing the Biden Cabal to assume power under such fraudulent circumstances may well be the death knell for this nation.  If that happens, the guilty parties will suffer with the rest of us.

Meanwhile, like the band on the Titanic, the national media continues to play.   “Not to worry”, they say.  “We’ve just stopped to take on a little ice.”