Protect Illegal Aliens?

I just returned from a drive through “Flyover Country”.  On a round trip from Greenville, SC to Kansas City, MO.  I spent much of the time on the Interstate highway system. That system of highways was initiated by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1956. The concept was to build a national system of highways which could be used to move troops rapidly around the country if necessary for national defense, and could even be used as temporary runways for aircraft. The concept was actually based on the German Autobahn system, initiated under Adolph Hitler in the mid 1930s. How strange that it is now the main invasion route for those seeking to populate the interior of our nation with illegal aliens.

Occasionally, I would depart the Interstate to avoid a traffic jam, and that’s where you get to see the real rural America. What I saw on those excursions was a real eye opener. Even in small rural farming communities, the evidence is everywhere. “Taquerias” are in abundance as are food stores which cater to a rising Hispanic population. The language  of their signs is Spanish, and occasionally you even see a Mexican, Honduran or Guatemalan flag proudly displayed above the building. Are these run by, or cater to the illegal population? One thing is for sure, they are not trying to hide the fact that they’re here. Quite the opposite, they are flaunting it.

The Democratic Party, with its far left leaning agenda, is counting on the invasion from south of our border to keep them in power for generations to come. Contrary to what they say, they could care less about the American “Middle Class”. If they did, they would be for secure borders and an orderly system of legal immigration. Instead, they continue to push for a nation without borders and a common language to bond us together, which of course means no nation at all. To them, it does. It is a place where poorly educated people can flock to, become legalized and allowed to vote, and then be given virtually unlimited benefits, paid for by a rapidly dwindling base of taxpayers. If the national language become Spanish, so what?

To those who are loathe to speak up for fear of being labeled a xenophobe or bigot, I would point you to two examples of recent history, both located in Spanish speaking countries in South America. Take a small amount of time from your busy day to study the recent history of Argentina and Venezuela, two countries who were taken over by leftist regimes which proceeded to bankrupt their nation and utterly destroy their “Middle Class”, leaving only the very wealthy or the destitute poor, now totally dependent on a government which had run out of the means to give them anything.

Think about that the next time you hear someone say that we must do all in our power to protect the “rights” of people who are in our country illegally.