People of Color

For years now, but particularly during the last administration, I have watched the country being divided into different interest groups by politicians whose only goal is to gain power for themselves, by using the concept of divide and conquer. They use that method to separate us into various pigeon holes, based on race, national origin, religion or sex. Not satisfied with those categories, they have created others, based on sexual orientation, social interests, or a myriad of other sub-categories. All designed to divide, rather that unite us as citizens of this country. In fact, even that concept, citizenship, is abhorrent to what has morphed from the Democrat Party into the radical socialists who now control that organization.

So, saying “Black Lives Matter” implies that white lives or brown lives or yellow lives don’t, or are at least less important. Down that path is the concept that, simply because of their skin color, all other Americans owe “Reparations” to black Americans because of the taint of slavery in our history. No matter that most of our ancestors came to this country long after the last slave was released from bondage. No matter that many of our ancestors fought a bloody Civil War to end the practice. No matter that black Americans have been given extraordinary advantages over all other races for over fifty years, due to setbacks granted by the civil rights legislation passed in the nineteen sixties. None of that matters.

Now, we are being told that anyone has a right to come to this country from anywhere, but particularly Central America, and we have a responsibility to allow them to do so. Feeding, clothing, housing and educating them even though they have broken our laws by entering our country illegally. We are told that we must accept that concept, or be considered bigots and xenophobes, wishing only to “Make America White Again”.

We must push back on these charges. We must point out that “White” is just another selection on God’s palate, and not be ashamed of who we are. We must be willing to explain that the Caucasian race has done much over the millennia to improve conditions on the planet, and to advance the cause of civilization. Are we perfect? Of course not. However, we are also not the “White Devils” that some would insinuate we are.

So, “People of Color” is a meaningless term.  We are All people of color, they’re just different. What is far more important is that we are also all human beings, with all the good and bad that implies. We should never forget that fact.