Visualize Whirled Peas!

When my daughter was attending Colorado State University in the mid 1990’s she worked in the library bookstore.  Among the items for sale was a bumper sticker which said “Stop the Violins – Visualize Whirled Peas!”  Obviously it was a jest on the peace movement saying of the period, “Stop the Violence – Visualize World Peace”.

Many of the college kids of the 1990’s were the children of parents who came of age in the 1960’s, the era of the Vietnam War and “Peace Movement”, with it’s radical ideas and peace symbols.  Now, those people are the parents of todays college kids.  What are their politics and views on world affairs?  Farther and farther left, thanks to the radically leftist professors who dominate our colleges.

What these idealists don’t understand is that in order to have “World Peace” all of the people on the planet have to want the same goal.  Unfortunately, that simply isn’t the case.  The basic tenet of Communism and Radical Islam, for instance, is world domination.  You can’t “co-exist” with a group of people like that.  Instead, you must be strong enough to deter their aggressive behavior.  That concept is called “Peace through strength”, and it has always worked where applied.

Weakness however, invites aggression.  That has been proven throughout recorded history.  As much as the “Peaceniks” would like to have it so, there will never be a nirvana driven peaceful world without strong countries defending themselves and weaker nations from the predators who always exist.

So, forget “Whirled Peas” unless you’re thinking about the wonderful “Mushy Peas” of Great Britain.