A Shutdown in the Sick Time

This has been the worst fall and winter for the various cold season illnesses that I can recall, at least back to the days of the “Hong Kong Flu” in the early 70’s.  I’ve been down twice already.  First,  just before Thanksgiving, with a nasty flu like intestinal virus, and now with “RSV”, a highly contagious virus strain which causes a deep and heavy cough and chest congestion.

Added to this unhealthy and unhappy period during the holidays has been the constant haranguing by the left about the “evils” of the Trump regime.  According to the Democrats, who are obviously lusting over the possibility of regaining control of the House and Senate in the fall elections, the country has never been in worse shape, and under more incompetent leadership, than in the twelve month period which started with President Trump’s inauguration last January.  But do the facts match their doomsday rhetoric?  For most Americans, I would say absolutely not.

Job growth is up, the stock market is soaring, individual and corporate tax rates have been reduced, onerous government regulations which strangle large and small businesses alike have been reduced, and slowly, ever so slowly, we are beginning to regain our proper place on the world stage.  Not a bit player, “leading from behind” but a positive force for good, and a leader in the fight against the despotism of oppressive regimes like Iran and North Korea.  But the left sees none of this.

In their distorted view of reality it is more important to allow illegal aliens (and make no mistake, that is EXACTLY what the so-called “Dreamers” are) to remain in this country without penalty than it is to pay our military and fund medical care for millions of children from low income families.  We must have more government intrusion into our daily lives, not less.  So, we can excuse blatant lies about a health care system which was supposed to save families thousands of dollars per year and instead doubled or tripled the cost, sometime much more.  The Democrats didn’t manage to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public and get Hillary Clinton elected to the Presidency.  So, instead of becoming the “Loyal Opposition” they adopted a position of being the “Resistance”, as if Trump and the Republican Party are equivalent to the Nazis of the last century.  There isn’t a single positive that I can find in the left’s message.  It is ALL negative, and I’m getting very tired of it.

The latest example of this is the aptly named “Schumer Shutdown”.  Many non-essential government services came to a temporary halt over the weekend when the Democrats in the Senate, led by Minority Leader Schumer and unfortunately assisted by several foolish Republicans, refused to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government without adding a clause which would allow the “DACA” group to be legalized immediately, but ignored border security, the problem of “chain immigration” and the “diversity lottery”.

If the Democrats, with the aid and comfort of the national media, are successful in convincing the American public that illegal aliens are more important than American citizens, then I believe they will have planted the seeds of a REAL resistance movement comprised of Americans who are sick, not in a physical, but in an emotional way.  Those who are sick and tired of ignoring the basic principals which have made this country the finest the world has ever known.  Sick of the blatant disregarding of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Sick and tired of 50 percent of our population paying nothing in taxes while sucking the treasury dry by receiving undeserved “entitlements” and increasing our national debt to a point where our country will cease to exist as we have known it in the past.  Make no mistake. I am NOT referring to retirement Social Security and Medicare.  These are programs which employees and their employers have paid into for decades.  These are EARNED benefits, not the supposed “entitlements” of welfare and phony “disability” programs.  Able bodied people are being paid NOT to work.  We all know that’s gone on for a very long time.  It’s got to stop.

So, it’s not just our people who are sick this winter.  It’s our government too.  Both must be made well, and soon.