Men in Masks.




What do these men have in common?  Obviously, they are all wearing masks, but there is at least one other thing.  They are all cowards.  Brave men and women don’t feel it necessary to hide their identity.  The mask is the mark of a criminal.  Whether it be a member of ISIS, masked as he beheads a bound and kneeling captive, or members of an “Antifa” mob, burning and looting during a protest against people they disagree with, they are cut from the same piece of cloth.

In the case of the ISIS murderers, they should be exterminated as the vermin of society.  The “Antifa” protestors should be unmasked and exposed for what they are. Namely, common criminals, not “Social Justice Warriors”.  The actions of these petty thugs should have consequences, and follow them for the rest of their lives.  These are not foolish children, they are young men and women who have chosen to defy the law and break the rules of common civility.  They should not be rewarded for their bad behavior.

A growing majority in this country have had enough of the protests by the left.  They are tired of being labeled as racists, homophobes or xenophobes because they believe in our Constitution and rightly demand that we adhere to it’s principles.  They are tired of “Open Borders”.  They are tired of the “Welfare State”.  They have had it with the concept of equal results instead of equal opportunity.  They have had enough of being talked down to and denigrated by a self appointed social elite.

So, to all you Antifa, La Raza and Black Lives Matter folks.  All you “take a knee” protesters and bi-coastal limousine liberals.  All you Democrat “Resisters” and entrenched establishment politicians on both sides of the aisle.  Middle Americans out here in “Flyover Country” have had it.  We’re coming for you, but in the legal, Constitutional way.  With a ballot, not a gun, knife, brickbat or thrown rock.  Ignore us at your peril.  Not of your life or personal safety, but rather of your continued ability to destroy the greatest nation on the planet with your perverted ideologies.