Hillary and Harvey.

Harvey Weinstein appears to be a really bad actor (pardon the pun).  However, Hollywood, male and female, was perfectly willing to put up with his sexual proclivities until such time as it was politically correct to vilify him.  Like a hoard of Social Justice Warrior lemmings, they are all streaming over a morally indignant cliff in their haste to get on the “Whack Harvey Bandwagon”.  They are joined by their favorite Democratic Party politicians, who were gushing in their praise of Weinstein until his feet of clay were exposed for all to see, and it was now “inconvenient” to accept his lavish donations to their campaign coffers.

Heading the list of these newly found moralists is none other than HRH Hillary Rodham Clinton.  During a recent interview on the subject, she referred to the “Admitted sexual predator in the Oval Office”.   Somehow I don’t think she meant her husband Bill, who had committed all sorts of sexual peccadilloes during his terms as Arkansas Governor and POTUS.  Those actions led to his impeachment by the House of Representatives, and his disbarment as a lawyer, due to lying to Congress and various legal entities over the years.  But hey, that was just about sex and cigars, right?  No big deal!  After all, “It depends on what the meaning of “is” is……….

So, poor old Harvey finally got caught using the “casting couch” once too often and has fallen from grace as a Hollywood mogul.  The king is dead, long live the?  Well, it won’t be HRH aka HRC, that’s for sure.  She’s a taker, not a giver.  But, they’ll find some other venal but wealthy individual to put up on their pedestal, who will get away with it until they too fall afoul of the need to act in an honest and reputable manner.  Until then, when the King shows up with no clothes on, just pretend you don’t notice.