“DACA and “DAPA”. A Proposed Solution.

For the past thirty years and more, since the “Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986” was signed by President Ronald Reagan, we have watched illegal immigration from south of our porous border soar to unprecedented heights.  Among the “10 to 12 million” illegal aliens (a ridiculously low estimate, by the way) who are currently residing in our country are the so-called “Dreamers”.  They are the children, many actually now adults, who accompanied their parents when THEY entered our country illegally.

In 2012, President Barack Obama created by Executive Order “DACA” (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), a program which would allow these individuals to remain in the country for indefinite renewable two year periods.  Another Obama program “DAPA” (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans), allows three year renewable work permits and exemption from deportation for that group.

These people crossed our borders knowing they were doing so illegally, and brought their alien children with them. Then, in many cases they conceived and gave birth to other children who were, because of our insane “birthright citizenship” laws, automatically citizens who now could keep their parents in the country under “DAPA”.

That, folks is called “Family Chain Immigration”.  Unfortunately, it is being done not by individuals who have come to our country legally, and then helped and sponsored other members of their family to come here legally, but instead a gaming of the rules in violation of our immigration laws.  So, I have a suggestion.

Lets mandate that every person who remains in this country under DACA or DAPA be required to be sponsored by an American citizen who will be responsible for the illegal’s every need, including housing, food, clothing, medical and dental, education and any other incidental expenses, thus unburdening the American taxpayer from having to foot the bill for these costs.  All public assistance, for what the left loves to call the “Undocumented”, will immediately cease.  I am sure that all the high minded “Progressives” out there will flock to sign up for this magnanimous program, right?  If they don’t, I have another suggestion.

Give the DACA and DAPA folks a reasonable period of time, say two years, to put their affairs in order and then deport them to their countries of origin.  During the intervening time period, train all those legal Americans on the various welfare programs how to do the jobs the illegals were doing while they themselves relaxed in their welfare hammocks. For those who would say that ending DACA and DAPA are just actions of White Supremacists, I adamantly disagree.  We are either a country of laws or not. We can’t be allowed to pick and choose which laws we want to obey and those which we don’t. Unless, I guess,  you are an illegal alien. Then, anything goes. Down that path is anarchy and chaos.

So, consider the above, and BUILD THE WALL!