A Silent Morning……….

You wake up some morning in the near future and immediately sense something is wrong.  For one thing, your alarm clock isn’t working.  You must have overslept.  You grab your iPhone to check the time, and it’s not operational.  When you try to turn on the television, you discover it’s dead too.  What’s going on? Of course.  It must must be a power failure.  You are absolutely right, but THIS power failure is like none our country, or any other for that matter, has ever experienced.  We have been successfully attacked by North Korea.  One of several North Korean low orbit satellites which pass over the United States multiple times daily had a secret weapon aboard, a nuclear device, which when detonated created an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) strong enough to take out the power grid covering most of the country and everything controlled by computer chips.  So, no phone, no TV, no computer, automobile, boat, airplane or anything else which requires a “chip” for operation.  The funny looking little fat guy with the bad haircut has just put you back to a time before electricity came into being.  You now live in pre-industrial age America and tens of millions of your fellow Americans will die in the ensuing chaos.

Fantastic, science fiction scenario?  Ask experts in the field and our military.  Quite frankly, they are scared out of their wits that it might actually happen.   Even though they have repeatedly warned of the possibility, they have been ignored, especially during the past eight years of the Obama administration.  Instead of “hardening” our power grid by shielding the control systems from an EMP, that administration worried about more important things like “leading from behind”, redistribution of wealth and transgender bathrooms.

Now, with the Trump administration in power, we are in a race to reestablish the correct priorities.  Among them, defense, secure borders and fixing our crumbling infrastructure.  However, nothing is more important than protecting our power grid and indeed everything else which can be destroyed by an EMP, which as stated above is virtually all modern technology.  Only when that is accomplished can we be assured we will never experience that “Silent Morning”.