Voter ID Laws?

Photo ID’s.  You need them to visit a doctor’s office, check into a hospital, get past security at the airport, open a bank account, get a prescription filled at a pharmacy, check into a hotel and many other everyday functions.  However, for the second time, U.S. District Court Judge Nelva Gonzales-Ramos, shown at left, has ruled the Texas Voter ID law violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act because it discriminated against blacks and latinos.

Here we go again.  Judge Ramos obviously believes most blacks and latinos don’t drive.  They must not use the services of a bank either, or do any of the other things requiring a photo ID as described above.  They must all be uneducated as well.  Another example of white privilege overwhelming people of color.  But wait, maybe there is another reason.

If people don’t need to prove who they are to vote, then they can vote multiple times in multiple locations.  They can vote even if they aren’t  American citizens.  They can vote if they’re dead and buried.  No problemo!  The perfect Democratic voter base!

This ruling by an Obama appointed Federal Judge should be an insult to all honest, hardworking blacks, latinos and other minorities. It is an insult to all honest American citizens who value their vote and what it represents.  It proves who the Democrats really think minorities are.  Namely, a sub-class in our country who are too stupid to be a part of a modern, technically involved society.  Who are only useful as a reliable voting block which will keep Democratic politicians perpetually in office. So Judge Ramos, and others who are against having to prove you are a legitimate voter, what is your real agenda?