The Tyranny of the Minority.

The founding fathers of this country fought a revolution to free themselves and our fledgling nation from the tyranny of the monarchy and parliament of England.  Our country, from it’s very inception, was based on the concepts of personal liberty and responsibility.  For nearly two hundred years that system worked, but in the early 1960’s something very unsettling began to occur.  Call it “The Tyranny of the Minority”, and it works like this:

Say you have a belief that is out of the mainstream viewpoint.  You’re an atheist for instance.  That’s fine.  You have a right, according to our Constitution, not to practice a religion or believe in a deity.  The problem occurs when you demand that the rest of society conforms to that belief system.  All symbols or practices of religion must be removed from public life as they are “offensive” to you and those who subscribe to your beliefs.  Forget that “In God We Trust” has been our national motto since 1956 and has been on our coinage since 1864.  Forget that references to God are replete in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.  Forget that The Ten Commandments are chiseled into the facade of our Supreme Court Building.  Forget all that.  YOU are offended, so all the rest of us must kowtow to your wishes.

Sometime in the 1950’s a group, I believe it was the American Psychiatric Association, stated that homosexuality was not a mental disorder, but rather an “alternate lifestyle”. I’ve got no problem with that.  What you do in the privacy of your bedroom is your own business.  However, when you pressure me not just to accept, but instead embrace your lifestyle you’ve gone too far.

The latest example of this is with the so-called “Transgendered” group.  They must be a small fraction of the homosexual group, but we are now being pressured to allow them to live out their fantasies on the public stage.  Bathrooms and shower/locker facilities must be made available to individuals who “identify” with the opposite sex rather than that on their birth certificate.  They might be able to “pass” on the street, but not in the shower.  This phenomenon is now being pressed on children’s organizations like the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts.  Children are impressionable, and should not be exposed to “alternate lifestyles” until they are old enough to make rational evaluations on the subject.  Any other course is just another example of “The Tyranny of the Minority”, and it’s got to stop.    Bruce Jenner, after coming out as “transgendered” said on one of his television series on the subject:  “I just want to be normal.” One of his/her supporters said: “You ARE normal. The NEW normal.”  Oh really?  I believe that’s yet to be determined in the court of public opinion. The ordinary folks out there in “Flyover Country” are sick and tired of being body slammed by every fringe minority cause that the liberal left chooses to champion.    Tolerance, yes.  Blind acceptance, no.  Common sense must once again prevail.