Am I a “Deplorable”?

imageWell now. It appears that if you don’t agree with some politician’s views, you are automatically an outcast, and as such, deplorable. This is a symptom of a world wide mental disease caused by “Political Correctness”. In many countries on the planet it is generally agreed that their citizens have the right of “Freedom of Speech”. The United States Constitution guarantees that right under the First Amendment to that document. Only dictatorships and other repressive regimes seek to stifle free speech because it threatens their ability to control their citizens.  Here in the United States we have just been informed by a candidate for our highest office that to disagree with her parties principles immediately exposes you to be a bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, Islamophobe or whatever unsavory character she chooses to label you as. This is ridiculous, and should probably be a reason to classify her, and the party she represents, as “Freedomophobes”: persons who are afraid of someone with a differing opinion. Currently, many of our colleges and universities are so concerned with creating so-called “Safe Zones” for the students that they are completly willing to violate the First Amendment rights of others. This is a very dangerous concept. Students of college age are not children, they are at the very least young adults, capable of serving in our military and making their way in a complex and frequently threatening world environment. To artificially extend their childhood does them, and the country they will inherit, a great disservice. So, I will continue to respectfully speak out against concepts and individuals which I feel are wrongheaded. If that makes me “Deplorable”, so be it.