The Grand Lie.

mohamed_attaFifteen years ago today, for the first time in history commercial airliners were used as weapons of war, and against civilian targets. Nineteen young Arab men, led by Mohamed Atta, perpetrated this heinous act. In the process they killed nearly 3000 people, mostly American citizens. While some believe that this was the beginning of the Islamic Jihadist’s war against this country, it actually began much earlier. I will not recount those acts here except to say that they were all unprovoked. Hundreds were killed or maimed. All in the name of the “peaceful” religion of Islam. Shortly thereafter, the pastor of a Chicago church stood up before his congregation and stated that the atrocities of 9/11/2001 were indeed our own fault. He said that “The chickens have come home to roost.” He also said “Not God bless America, God damn America!” Less than 8 years later, a long time member of that church was elected President of the United States. During his administration we have seen numerous jihadist attacks on our homeland. We have seen border security become a joke. We have emboldened those who seek our destruction by foolish acts meant to appease them. Some, including our President, refuse even to name our enemy. Death and destruction on a scale almost unimaginable await us and the rest of the western world if we are unwilling to confront that enemy, and now. They are NOT peaceful. That is the grand lie.