Category Archives: Ethical Behavior

Our “Night of the Long Knives”?

On June 30, 1934 Adolph Hitler was the newly elected German Chancellor who had then had himself declared Dictator.   Beginning shortly after dark on that night he staged a bloody purge to eliminate all those he felt were a threat to his absolute rule of the German nation.  Over 500 people were allegedly murdered over the next two days, the beginning of the events which led to the Second World War and the Holocaust.  This purge became known as “The Night of the Long Knives”.

Since the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States in 2016, we have been witness to a trend which could lead to a similar, if less bloody event in this country in the not too distant future.  The groundwork for this situation began when the outgoing Chief Executive, Barack Obama, declared that he would lead a “Resistance” movement against the Trump administration.  That was a key phrase, since the French “Resistance” used well planned violence and subversion to stymy efforts of the German controlled north and the collaborating Vichy French government in the south after France fell in 1940.

It quickly became apparent that many agencies within the federal government had been politicized.  Chief among them were the FBI and career bureaucrats in the Department of Justice.   Allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government led to a Special Council being appointed to investigate the matter.  Although it was later proved that the allegations were groundless, it set the stage for events to come, which in effect were an attempted coup by the Democratic Party. Continue reading Our “Night of the Long Knives”?

The Enemy Within

Every federal employee, members of congress, members of the armed forces, and various other elected and non-elected officials are required to take an “Oath of Office” which contains these words

While our foreign enemies might be obvious (but occasionally they are not) the domestic enemies of the Constitution are a whole different matter.  In the case of the Capitol protesters on January 6, 2021 the roles can be reversed.  The Democrats and probably individuals within the FBI, concocted a narrative that stated the Trump voters, who really were “Mostly Peaceful”,  had violently attacked the Capitol Police and threatened members of Congress.  Because of that false narative, it was possible for persons accused of such violations to be in effect guilty until proven innocent, rather than the other way around.  That concept is completely unconstitutional under several provisions in the Bill of Rights.

Nonetheless, well over a hundred people, who either actively participated in the demonstrations at the Capitol on January 6th, or were basically just bystanders, and invited into the building by Capitol Police, have been incarcerated in one of the worst federal prisons in the country for well over a year.  In many cases with no, or the flimsiest charges filed against them.  How could this possibly be happening in this country?  The answer to that question is both simple and complicated at the same time.

First, and I believe that this is undeniably true, various agencies of the Department of Justice,  particularly the FBI, have been politicized, and unfortunately have become pawns of the Democratic Party.  Second, and more unfortunate still, the Republican politicians, with the exception of a notable few, refuse to fight back beyond mouthing a few complaints.  It’s like two people playing the same game with completely different rules.  The Democrats are engaged in a vicious street fight and the Republicans are sticking to Marquise of Queensbury rules.

This is what Donald Trump instinctively realized, and by stating that fact, calling Washington a “swamp” which must be drained, he instantly became a target after he won in 2016.  The DOJ and several other federal agencies, following orders from the Democratic Party leadership, instantly engaged in multiple efforts to cripple his administration.  They were generally successful in doing so.  Remember the old saying:

“It’s hard to remember you’re here to drain the swamp when you’re up to your ass in alligators!” Continue reading The Enemy Within


If there is a single thing that the Biden Administration (and the Obama administration before it) has done to place this nation in danger, it is the face they show to the world. Look at the two individuals above. They hold important positions in our government, and were both appointed by Joe Biden. They are both biological men pretending to be women. One in the uniform of a U.S. Navy Admiral, the other in his “dress of the day”.

How would they be treated if they were citizens of our most important adversaries? In Iran, they’d be lucky if they weren’t thrown off a three story building. In China, Russia or North Korea, they’d undoubtably be jailed, and not in a women’s prison, either. I would guess neither of them would have long to live in such circumstances. Unbelievably, here they are treated with respect, at least in public, by members of this administration. Who knows what many of those people think of them privately.

Since newly elected President Obama set off on his quest to “Fundamentally Transform America” in 2009 we have all witnessed a bizarre fantasy world develop and metastasize into what we see today. In this “Woke” world envisioned by the left, international terrorists are just misunderstood, but parents who question what is going on in their school systems are labeled as “Domestic Terrorists” and investigated by the FBI.

Moving from energy independence to begging Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to increase oil production so Americans can buy more of their oil is a correct course of action. Causing the price of gasoline and diesel fuel to basically double in eighteen months, while experiencing inflation not seen in fifty years is lauded as a good thing by the proponents of the “Green New Deal”.  Buy electric vehicles we are told, and by the same people who warn of rolling brownouts or blackouts due to an overstressed energy grid. How will we be able to charge all those Lithium batteries made in China?

Currently, our military is unable to meet its recruiting goals because potential recruits are wary of joining the new “Woke” military.  So, our armed forces are shrinking at the very time that those of our adversaries are expanding exponentially. Sensing the weakness of our current administration, China, Iran, North Korea and Russia are becoming more belligerent by the day. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has severely impacted the world’s food and fertilizer supply. Famine is almost a certainty over the coming winter months in many areas of the world.

Our enemies no longer fear or respect us. China is on the verge of invading Taiwan, and there is virtually nothing we can do to stop them short of a nuclear war scenario. Russia threatens our European allies and Iran is once again actively threatening Israel with annihilation.

We would be foolish not to understand that China poses the greatest threat to our country at the present time. They produce over ninety percent of the worlds antibiotics, plus many other vital medicines. How about other critical items, like surgical gloves, masks and gowns? Yep, all produced there as well. Windmills and solar panels? They are produced almost exclusively by the Chinese. So, following the concepts of the “Green New Deal”, we will effectively place control of our power grid in the hands of the Communist Chinese government. Insanity 101…….

We are rapidly approaching a point of no return. Americans had better figure that out before it’s too late to do anything about it.



Last month I passed another important anniversary in my life. It wasn’t a pleasant one, like the day fifty-two years ago in April when the beautiful young woman I had fallen in love with, pledged her undying devotion to our marriage vows before a Lutheran minister. I did the same, and we have kept them ever since.

It wasn’t the day that I completed my training with TWA and became a member of the fraternity that pilot/author Earnest Gann called a “Band of Brothers”, the airline pilots from around the world. Nor was it the anniversary of the birth our our children. A gift, not a curse as the current pro-abortion crowd would have you believe.

No, this anniversary was a sad one, because on July 17, 1996 230 people died an awful death when TWA 800 exploded and crashed after takeoff on a flight from JFK International in New York to Charles deGaulle International in Paris. I have lived with that tragedy every day since. I was shocked at the time it occurred, and became more so when I began to realize what was happening. It was my introduction to what has become known as the “Deep State”.

Like all conspiracies, what happened on that night, and in the days and weeks that followed, can be traced to a very few people. Their motives can only be surmised, but on closer examination a reasonable person can only come to one conclusion. The airplane did not crash and kill all onboard because of a mysterious mechanical failure. It was due to a series of events involving different individuals and organizations, At the very least it was a tragedy, in the worst case scenario it was a mass murder.

In July of last year, I posted a YouTube video of a presentation I give describing in detail what happened that evening, and during the NTSB investigation that followed. Here’s a link to that video:

I hope you will view this from the prospective of an unbiased member of a jury. The facts are the facts. Even the VERY biased NTSB report concerning the “Probable Cause” of the crash couldn’t make its case. The simple fact that this type of explosion has never happened to any other 747, before or since, should give pause. Also, that the FAA and other similar agencies around the globe didn’t immediately ground the 747 fleet, as was the case with DC-10s and others, speaks volumes.

The NTSB investigation into the cause of the crash of TWA 800 needs to be reopened, allowing ALL the evidence to be included and considered. Politics were involved in the original findings. That is a travesty which must be corrected and the sooner the better.

Prejudice and Reparations

More than a few black political leaders, and a substantial number of their supporters, are calling for financial “Reparations” because their distant relatives were either brought to this country as slaves or were born here to slaves prior to the civil war.  In addition, they say, African-Americans have, and continue to be, victims of prejudicial behavior.

We can debate the validity of their claims until Hades is buried in ice, but if that indeed ever happens we will open up a “Pandora’s Box” of immense proportions.   As we look back in our history, virtually every wave of new immigrants to this nation have suffered under prejudice from those who came before them, and already had their “Piece of the Pie”.

Depending which part of the country they gravitated to on arrival, they were frequently scorned by local residents.  Swedes were outcasts in Minnesota and Wisconsin, Irish in Boston, Italians in New York City, Chinese in California and Poles whereever they went. They were referred to as “Polacks” and considered to be stupid.  “Bohunks” came from central or southeastern Europe, especially Hungary, and were thought to be fit only for menial manual labor.

Worst of all, in the eyes of many, were the Irish, who began a mass migration to the United States after the Great Potato Famine which started in 1845 and caused the deaths of over a million Irish from starvation.  Over a million more immigrated elsewhere, many to this country.  Though they were desperately poor, they weren’t universally dishonest and ignorant as their detractors portrayed them in newspaper cartoons of the time.  Shown as simian like Leprechauns, holding a glass of whisky in one hand, while picking an innocent bystanders pocket with the other, they certainly weren’t someone you wanted to move in next door or court your daughter.

Italians were depicted as cowards, a cartoon displayed an add for an Italian military rifle with a tag that said “Never fired and only dropped once!”   This about a people who were descended from the Romans, who had the longest existing empire in human history, and whose legions conquered a vast part of Europe and Northern Africa.  The French were equally defamed as cowards, the exploits of the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte conveniently forgotten. 

So, if African-Americans are entitled to any reparations, they will have to sue the few American citizens living who had ancestors who owned a slave.  Those folks are few and far between.  All of use should get down on our knees every night and thank God that our ancestors DID come to this nation, in whatever circumstances, and so gave us and future generations the opportunity to live in the finest nation that has ever existed on this globe.

Sick to my Stomach!

What is happening to this country under the current administration is enough to make me literally sick to my stomach.  The fact that this is being aided and abetted by many members of the Republican Party just makes it worse.

If you aren’t watching Tucker Carlson Tonight on the Fox News Channel, you are doing yourself a disservice.  Night after night, Monday through Friday, Carlson discusses the issues of the day from a conservative viewpoint.  Indeed, perhaps I should instead say from a factual viewpoint.  The commentators on his program, typified by people like Victor Davis Hansen, examine issues calmly and rationally, not relying on histrionics to make their point.

Alternately, you can watch CNN, MSNBC, PBS or any of the national news networks and listen to the talking point of the day.  They don’t even attempt to disguise that they are all singing from the same hymnal.

A case in point concerns the rape and impregnation of a ten year old girl in Ohio.  We are told by all the “Talking Heads” on the networks that the main story is that this child had to go to Indiana to receive an abortion because of Ohio’s strict anti-abortion laws. These were implemented after the Supreme Court struck down Roe vs.Wade.  The truth is completely different.

First, Ohio’s anti-abortion laws have exceptions.  One being if the life of the woman is threatened.  Obviously, a ten year old girl is much too young to carry to term, much less deliver a baby.  Is it even possible for a female of that age to conceive a child after she has intercourse?  The answer to that is yes.  I’ll explain.

When I was flying for an air ambulance company in Albuquerque after I retired from TWA, I witnessed cases where several very young girls, even as young as ten years old, gave birth. The babies were very small, and frequently didn’t survive. The mothers were equally at risk. As was explained to me, some Mestizo females, who had Mexican-indigenous ancestors, become sexually mature at a very early age, so it was possible for a nine year old girl to become pregnant, and carry a child to term.

What is not being mentioned by much of the mainstream media is that the man who raped and impregnated the girl who was nine years old at the time is Gerson Fuentes (shown above), an illegal alien from Guatemala.  How many more like him are streaming across our southern border?  Don’t ask. That’s Xenophobic!  How did Fuentes get to Ohio, by the way?  Was he flown there in the middle of the night courtesy of the Biden Administration?  It appears that the girl in question, a Mexican national, is also here illegally, as is her mother.  She, unbelievably, is now defending Fuentes, saying he is actually a good person. Continue reading Sick to my Stomach!

Revenge of the “Middle”

I was watching Fox News the other day and they had a story about comments made by a black female politician who said the problem with America wasn’t the radical leftists on the east or west coasts, but instead lay with the “Middle”.  Middle what, I thought? 

Did she mean middle class Americans, that amorphous group of people no one seems to be able to accurately define?  As she continued to speak, I realized she was instead referring to anyone not living in the bi-coastal liberal enclaves, those of us out here in “Fly-over Country”.

To people like her, we’re just hot dog eating, cheap beer swilling, knuckle dragging, gun owning rednecks whose opinions don’t count.  Why, many of us even had the temerity to desert the Democratic Party and vote for the MAGA King Donald Trump, TWICE.  We are the “Deplorables” so described by Hillary Clinton in 2016!   Not worth listening or responding to on any level.  Shut up!  They’ll tell us what’s good for us.

Stop whining about the price of gas for your pickups and diesel for your tractors!  Buy electric powered ones!  The cost of groceries at the market are too high?   Haven’t you heard of “Uber Eats”?  What hicks, what rubes!

And then there’s all the other stuff.  You don’t believe George Floyd’s death justified the 2020 riots?  You don’t think Critical Race theory should be taught to our school children and members of the military?  You don’t believe in transgenderism and Drag Queens reading books to kindergarten children?  Worst yet, you don’t agree with de-funding our police, and not prosecuting felons?  You want prisons to be prisons and not training zones for criminals?  What a bunch of prejudiced bastards!                          

At that point, reeling from the verbal slings and arrows being thrown my way as she continued, I turned off the television.  As I sat there shaking my head, I realized one thing.  There is no possible chance of having a rational conversation with someone like her.  She is so steeped in her political jargon that no other opinions are possible, and she isn’t alone.

Whether you believe the 2020 election was fair and unbiased, or that it was criminal and, at least in several battleground states, conducted in a blatantly un-constitutional manner is immaterial at this juncture.  The fact is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn in as our 46th President and Vice-President on January 21st of last year.  The result of that action is undeniably chaos.  Even the left is beginning to admit that, fearing a crushing defeat in the mid-term elections in November.  Only Biden, and a limited circle of toadies and sycophants are claiming otherwise. Continue reading Revenge of the “Middle”

Shooting Back

Another depraved individual has committed an atrocity.  I won’t use his name or show his picture in this piece.  It is my opinion that by doing so we allow these depraved individuals to have their few days of fame at the expense of others.  Most of the media, of course, will follow the old adage of “If it bleeds, it leads”.  We’ll get 24/7 coverage on CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the liberal outlets.  One must ask, WHY?

The “Copycat” phenomena is well known.  Sick people are inspired by the acts of other sick and deranged people to commit similar atrocities.  So why is the media allowed to be complicit in this process?  Rather than once again screaming for gun control measures, the politicians should propose legislation that would prohibit the freak show that follows every one of these awful events.

Once it becomes apparent that violent acts AREN”T going to get you your moments of fleeting fame, the copycat syndrome will basically cease to exist.  If the only way knowledge of these events is going to get out is by word of mouth, in the affected area, the crazies will lose the one thing they seem to so desperately crave, a sick form of immortality. Continue reading Shooting Back

The Battle of Cowpens

On July 2nd, my wife and I drove thirty-five miles from our home in western South Carolina to the Cowpens National Battlefield.  Not far, but it required some effort on my part to do so.  It was important enough however, because of its significance in the history of the American Revolutionary War, which we celebrate today on July 4th.

Many Americans don’t understand why we chose that day to have backyard barbecues and enjoy fireworks that evening.  In England, the fireworks occur on Guy Fawkes Night on November 5th.  They celebrate the foiling of a plot to blow up the building where the opening session of the British Parliament was scheduled to occur in 1605.  We of course celebrate the 4th of July for a very different reason, which I’ll get back to.

So what was the significance of The Battle of Cowpens, something I’m quite sure very few of the readers of this blog have ever heard of?  Well, as I learned during our visit, it may well have been one of the crucial turning points in our War of Independence.   I also learned that there were more battles fought in the state of South Carolina during that conflict than in all the other colonial states combined.

These weren’t the classic confrontations, of massed troops standing shoulder to shoulder and firing volleys from their muskets and rifles at adversaries a hundred yards distant. They were frequently fought in densely wooded areas, with hand to hand fighting using bayonets, knives and tomahawks.  That was the case at the Cowpens battle, named for a cattle pasturing area surrounded by a dense forest. Continue reading The Battle of Cowpens

A New Yellow Star?

Quite frankly, I never believed I would see what is currently happening in this country in my lifetime, but it is here.   A hateful ideology has manifested itself.  Although cloaked in high sounding language, it is the same as it has always been in the human experience since the dawn of mankind. In many ways, it points to the existence of a supreme evil, the Devil, if you wish.

The current manifestation of this force is what is being done to this nation by the Democratic Party.  Its ideology has had many phases since its inception.  In many ways it’s like a virus, which continues to mutate in form to insure its survival.  Like a virus, what it morphs into is never good, although it may seem to be so at the moment.

From a party which reveled in the defense of slavery for blacks, and formed the Ku Klux Klan to terrify and occasionally murder them, it morphed into the party which used “Jim Crow” laws to subjugate them into second class citizens in the south under the era of segregation.  It fought tooth and nail to maintain that status during the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s.  It used every political trick in the book to defeat the Civil Rights legislation proposed by the Republican Party , and voted in a solid block against it.

When that passed, they decided that they could buy the loyalty of black Americans by instituting a welfare system which encouraged the breakup of the family, and in many ways has destroyed a large portion of that racial minority.  Then it encouraged abortion clinics in black communities, which have aborted so many black babies that the size of the black community in this nation has remained virtually the same for nearly a hundred years, while other, like Hispanics, have exploded. Continue reading A New Yellow Star?