Our “Night of the Long Knives”?

On June 30, 1934 Adolph Hitler was the newly elected German Chancellor who had then had himself declared Dictator.   Beginning shortly after dark on that night he staged a bloody purge to eliminate all those he felt were a threat to his absolute rule of the German nation.  Over 500 people were allegedly murdered over the next two days, the beginning of the events which led to the Second World War and the Holocaust.  This purge became known as “The Night of the Long Knives”.

Since the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States in 2016, we have been witness to a trend which could lead to a similar, if less bloody event in this country in the not too distant future.  The groundwork for this situation began when the outgoing Chief Executive, Barack Obama, declared that he would lead a “Resistance” movement against the Trump administration.  That was a key phrase, since the French “Resistance” used well planned violence and subversion to stymy efforts of the German controlled north and the collaborating Vichy French government in the south after France fell in 1940.

It quickly became apparent that many agencies within the federal government had been politicized.  Chief among them were the FBI and career bureaucrats in the Department of Justice.   Allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government led to a Special Council being appointed to investigate the matter.  Although it was later proved that the allegations were groundless, it set the stage for events to come, which in effect were an attempted coup by the Democratic Party.

Trump supporters and members of his campaign team and Cabinet were subject to pre-dawn raids by FBI SWAT teams which were clearly meant to intimidate and disrupt the new administration.  This became commonplace.  General Michael Flynn, Trumps National Security Advisor, was coerced into making a statement to FBI agents which, although it was factually incorrect, was a mis-statement, not a lie.  Basically, he was asked if he had any interaction with the Russian Ambassador.  Forgetting he had a brief conversation with the man at a social function several moths before, he said no.  The FBI then filed charges against him, which led to his dismissal, massive legal bills, and finally the loss of his home and financial ruin.  All this done to a man who had served this country honorably in the military for decades.

In an interview, James Comey, the former FBI Director, admitted that they basically had set Flynn up, knowing the new administration wasn’t aware of the backstabbing which had become endemic among the various agencies of the “Deep State”.   The studio audience laughed when Comey made the remarks.  A sad state of affairs.

Trump went on to four years of being fought at every turn by unelected bureaucrats and “Commissions” led by far left members of the Democratic Party.  He rightly stated that no president in the history of our republic had ever been treated so badly by the opposition party.  What the Democrats didn’t understand was that in the constant vilification of him they we also disrespecting the millions of American citizens who had voted for him, the “Basket of Deplorables” as Hillary Clinton had described us.

The latest example of this distain and overreach was what can only be described as a “raid” which was conducted at President Trumps Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, FL.  Supposedly done at the request of officials at the National Archives to see if classified documents were removed from the White House when the Trump family left in January of 2021.  Instead of issuing a subpoena stating the nature of the alleged documents improperly removed, the Biden Department of Justice instead obtained a search warrant from an Obama appointed judge.

It is apparent that the Democrats are extremely concerned about losing control of the House and Senate in this Novembers elections and the Presidency in 2024.  Add to that Trumps stated opinion that there have to be major reforms in the Civil Service system and the various Washington bureaucracies, and you can understand the tempest which is brewing in our nations capital.  Tens of thousands of federal bureaucrats jobs are at stake and they will do ANYTHING to stop Trumps reelection.  Nothing is off the table for these desperate people. It is not hyperbole to say that I hope Trumps Secret Service Agent cadre are up to the task of protecting him and his family.

The Biden/Harris regime has proven they have no qualms about cheating to obtain a victory.  Why would we believe they are not capable of doing so again, or even worse.  In the weeks and months to come, conservative Americans should be wary of a far left, modern version of “The Night of the Long Knives”.