Death to America!

There he is. The “Leader of the Free World”.  One cannot look at him, the present situation in Afghanistan, and the chaos at our southern border, and not realize that the passive acceptance of the fraudulent 2020 Presidential election results is a big mistake. Must we wait until we have another 9-11 in this country before we do something to correct this egregious error on our part? That will happen, it is virtually inevitable.

By opening our southern border to allow a quick and massive shift in the political demographics of the nation, we have opened up a Pandoras Box of possible unintended consequences. We know that it isn’t just Mexicans and Central Americans who are streaming across that border into our country. Rather, it includes people from over one hundred countries across the globe. While the vast majority of them are economic refugees, seeking to improve their lot in life at the expense of the American taxpayer, there are many others who have much more sinister motives to enter our country.

The drug cartels want to increase the sales of various drugs, including opioids such as Fentanyl, which have already caused the deaths of tens of thousands of American citizens. Vicious members of various gangs such as MS-13 are coming to set up additional networks to market these deadly drugs and more.

Also crossing the border are members of radical Islamist organizations, whose stated goal is to bring our country to its knees and under Sharia Law. Because of the incredible bungling on the part of the Biden administration in the withdrawal from Afghanistan, many of these extremely violent Islamic terrorist organizations, such as “ISIS-K” will come into this country armed with sophisticated weapons such as shoulder fired ground to air missiles, which can kill thousands, and quickly bring our domestic air transportation system to a screaming halt in a matter of days.

Using high powered explosives and rocket propelled grenades, they can also quickly cripple our extremely vulnerable power grid, with absolutely catastrophic results. These savages will also be aided by our enemies, such as China, Iran (whose leaders shout “Death to America!”), North Korea and Russia, who see a nation being lead by fools making itself extremely vulnerable to cyber attacks against critical infrastructure. They’ve already done so in limited areas, testing our ability to defend against them.

Last Sunday I saw former Congressman Trey Gowdy on his weekly Fox News program. I have formerly had great respect for his honesty and intellect, but what he said that night basically shook me to my core. In a nutshell, he said that there was virtually no possibility of overturning the results of the 2020 election and removing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from office. We’ll just have to wait for the 2022 Mid Terms and 2024 Presidential election to halt the madness, he said. I was appalled. Doesn’t he realize that by that time, so much damage will have been done, that we might not be able to save the Republic and our Constitutional form of government?

While Secretary of Defense Austin was putting our military into a “stand down” posture for months, while he rooted out “White Supremacists” from the ranks, and educated our military members with the concepts of “Critical Race Theory”, General Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was testifying before a Congressional Committee that he was trying to understand the concept of “White Rage” and the effects of that on the military. Who then, might I ask, was doing the critical planning of how to successfully withdraw from the morass of the Afghan Conflict without endangering American Civilians, the various Afghanis who had served us well at their own peril over the last twenty years, and of course the American and allied military personnel who remained in the country? Thirteen flag draped coffins being flown to Dover, Delaware as I write this answers that question, doesn’t it?

We have allowed a cognitively challenged, basically dishonest man to be inserted into the highest office of our land. He and his handlers have put people into positions of power in the government and our military who have proven to be feckless toadies at best, or incompetent liars at worst case, to run this country into the ground. It is the sworn duty of all honest politicians, members of our military, and law enforcement personnel to rise up and stop this, and immediately. The United States Code specifically states that the following oath (or something very similar) must be sworn by all public officials and members of the military:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

We must hold our officials to this pledge, and take it ourselves. We must return this nation to its founding principals, and we must do it NOW!

Tomorrow, let alone one and a half or three and a quarter years from now, is almost too late to start on that quest. The phony “Insurrection” the Democrats claimed occurred on January 6th may well just turn our to be a reality, but performed legally by patriotic Americans, and backed, not resisted, by the honest elements of our law enforcement and the military.