The WHO?

The gentleman (and I use that term lightly) at left is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.  He the current Director General of the World Health Organization.  He is also, by almost any reasonable standard, a congenital liar, consistently doing the bidding of China, with whom’s support he was elected to his post in 2017. 

The WHO is just another example of what a corrupt organization the United Nations has become.  UNICEF is another.  Yet year after year, the American taxpayer is required to support these almost criminal enterprises.  In fact, we pay more proportionately than any other nation on earth to their support, although we are now 25 TRILLION dollars in debt, and thanks to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic are deeper in the hole every day.

It’s kind of like trying to keep up appearances when your fortune is gone and you are bankrupt.  That doesn’t work for individuals, and it doesn’t work for sovereign nations either.  Unfortunately, our federal bureaucracy hasn’t figured that out, and politicians on both sides of the aisle, but mainly Democrats, haven’t either.  You would think, in the midst of the current pandemic, the Democrats would cease this obscene fiscal behavior, but they haven’t.  Following the dictum of former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who borrowed it from Winston Churchill, they are not letting this crisis go to waste.

Instead of dealing with the matter at hand, getting financial relief to the millions of American families who suddenly were without income after the breadwinner or breadwinners were laid off, as well as the numerous businesses, large and small, who saw revenues plummet or vanish altogether, Democrats in the House and Senate used the crisis as a mechanism to fund a host of non-related issues or legalize measures they couldn’t pass as legislation.  What were they?

Millions to the Endowment for the Arts, Public Radio and Television, Planned Parenthood clinics, virtually unlimited early voting for the fall Presidential election, elimination of all voter ID laws, same day registration and voting, etc. Did any of this have anything to do with the Covid-19 pandemic?  Of course not, but a 2 trillion dollar revenue bill was just too attractive a target for “pork barrel” spending, wasn’t it?  It was the Affordable Care Act all over again.  We have to pass the the bill to find out what’s in it.

When all this finally comes to a head, and it will, the American public has to be made aware of all the bad actors involved.  There is a great deal of blame to go around.  Not much of it falls on the Trump administration, but the national media will try to convince the public otherwise.  We can only hope and pray they won’t be successful this time.  A Trump landslide in November, bringing control of the House and Senate with it, would be a good start.  Then, perhaps we can take a good long look at the federal bureaucracy, and our continued funding of the UN and it’s sub-agencies like the WHO and UNICEF.  This country can’t afford to continue the practice of placing our support for these corrupt organizations on our national credit card.