Figured It Out Yet?

The political events since the November 2016 election have proven several things beyond doubt.  First and foremost, there is no longer any possibility of civil discourse between Democrats and Republicans as long as the former continue to let their party be highjacked by its radical leftists.  Perhaps it is time to end the tradition of a two major party system with a few other “parties”, such as the Green, Communist and Libertarian hanging out in the weeds.

The Democrats used to portray themselves as a “Big Tent” party which was open to many different viewpoints.  That is no longer so if you dispassionately examine the evidence. From Hillary Clinton declaring that anyone who didn’t agree with her views were “Deplorables” to Eric Holder telling us that in racial matters, we were just a “Nation of Cowards”, the schism between “Progressives” and “Conservatives” has become just too wide to bridge.

The disgraceful treatment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings should have been a warning sign of how far off the tracks the Democrat train was going.  If that wasn’t enough, the handling of the Impeachment process by the Democrat controlled House of Representatives led by Nancy Pelosi almost finished the derailment, but not quite.  That finally was accomplished by the petulant display of House Speaker Pelosi at Tuesday nights State of the Union address delivered by President Trump.  The facial expressions, inattention, and unbelievable performance of tearing up her copy of the speech on camera as she stood beside Vice President Pence and behind Trump at the lectern was the final stoke for me, and I suspect many other Americans.

You can’t play touch football in shorts and a teeshirt when your opponents are playing the tackle variety in full pads and helmets.  Not unless you are willing to be totally body slammed that is.  I hope the Republicans in office have finally realized the game has changed.  Trump has known it all along, and that is what infuriates the rank and file Democrat politicians and most of the mainstream media. He has the audacity to fight back, and counterpunch as good as he gets, most of the time even harder.  It does no good to “Take the Moral High Ground” when your adversaries are using every nasty tactic in their handbook to defeat you and your goals, demeaning you along the way in the most vicious terms.

Republican politicians had better figure that out and quick, or they won’t just be in the minority party,  enjoying the perks of being inside the beltway and living off past glories. They will be abandoned by their base, and either a real conservative party will arise out of the ashes of the old, or the Third Revolutionary War will begin.  And that, my friends, will not be pretty.