“Tell Vladimir”

On March 26, 2012, President Barack Obama was at a conference in Seoul, Korea.  In an unguarded moment, he was seen and overheard (on an open microphone and video camera) telling outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev “Tell Vladimir” (presumably the incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin) that “This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility.”   One must ask, in the context of events which have transpired since that conversation, flexibility to do what?

Since President Trump unexpectedly won the 2016 election, the Democrats have relentlessly pressed a “Resistance” agenda, to fight every issue he has raised, from climate change accords to the need to secure our national borders.  The 116th Congress has not been allowed to address critical issues such as foreign trade deficits, trade agreements, border security, or the threats from radical Islamists and Iran.  Emboldened by the obvious political discord, the bad actors on the world stage, including China, Iran, Russia and North Korea, have steadily expanded their hostile activities abroad while the Democrats push such “vital” issues as transgender “rights” and the need to allow biological males who supposedly “identify” as females, use bathrooms, showers and locker rooms intended for biological women and girls only.

The American public has suffered through weeks of supposedly “secret” hearings held by the House Intelligence Committee, to determine whether impeachable offenses have been committed by President Trump in his actions to assure that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine would indeed be spent on that countries self defense against Russia, instead of going into the pockets of corrupt Ukrainian Oligarchs. The substance of those “secret” hearing was “leaked” to the media daily.  This week, we were subjected  to nonstop public hearings on the matter, run by possibly one of the most dishonest and corrupt members of the House, Committee Chairman  Adam Schiff (D-CA).

Meanwhile, nothing else is being accomplished because Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Speaker of the House, will not allow various pieces of legislation already passed by the Senate to be introduced for discussion and resolution by the body she is in charge of.  This fiasco may continue into 2020, with a Democratic dominated “Do Nothing Congress” continuing to do nothing.  If that is indeed the case, I believe the American public will understand this, reelect President Trump next fall, give control of the House back to the Republicans, give that party a greater majority in the Senate, and allow President Trump to appoint Federal judges who understand that their role is not to make law, but simply assure that the doctrines set forth in our Constitution are followed, to the letter of the law.

If that happens, we will finally see our borders secured, deny citizenship to illegal aliens who “jumped the line” to get ahead of all the legal immigrants who enter our country every year, and cease the tyranny of an out of control judiciary who are pushing so-called “Social Justice” agendas which are repugnant to all right thinking citizens of this great nation.  It is way past time that we forcefully push back against the irrational demands of the politically correct mental morons who have been allowed to trample on the real rights granted to Americans, not the fanciful social justice “rights” that the left has made up out of smoke and mirrors.