Immigration Reform?

As we enter the summer of 2018 we are no closer to solving the problem of so-called “Immigration Reform”.  The reason is that we have not defined what that actually means. 

To the “Progressive” left, it obviously means completely open borders.  They believe that whoever wants to come to this country should be allowed to do so, without limits or restrictions. 

All but the most radical on the right want reasonable, but limited immigration. They want secure borders, an end to the magnet of “birthright citizenship”, “chain migration” and a winnowing of potential candidates, to select those who have more than poverty and the clothes on their back to bring to this nation. 

No more Immigration Lottery.  We need people with vital skills, education, and indeed are financially independent, capable of providing for their own needs, without becoming a burden on society when they arrive.  These are not unreasonable requirements, but are indeed the policies of most developed First World nations on the planet.  We must observe the following advice: 

“When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you must do is to stop digging!”

The immigration “Hole” is our porous southern border.  It must be plugged, and the “Wall” is the only way to do it.  Contrary to popular belief, there is no wall on the Guatemala-Mexico border.  There are areas of fencing in the most common border crossings.  However, Mexico has very strict immigration laws, with severe penalties for those who attempt to enter the country illegally.  Unfortunately, the Mexican government has been very tolerant of those who want to transit their country on the way to the United States.  If the wall is built, that will stop. 

We must follow our immigration laws in place, and detain and deport all those who have committed any crimes after entering our country illegally.  No exceptions!  We must deny in perpetuity the right to citizenship to ANY person who has been legally deported and then returns to this country.  No exceptions!

Finally, we must require that all individuals who are here illegally, either by overstaying their visa or crossing our border without permission, register with immigration authorities immediately.  If they do not do so in a specified period of time, say 90 days, they should be found, deported, and denied citizenship in perpetuity.  No exceptions!  Then, and after the wall has been built and the border secured, we can address, compassionately, the right of those who who complied, to remain in our country, and under what conditions.

The American People, including those who arrived here legally and have become naturalized citizens, have a right to expect that we will honor the right of citizenship, and not allow another band-aid amnesty solution, which has been tried many times in the past, and always failed to solve the illegal immigration problem.