A tale of two women.

unknownFrom the dawn of history, women have been great leaders of their people. Boudicca, Catherine the Great, Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher to name a few. On the current scene, two women, one in office and one who seeks office, are having or might have, a significant effect on the future of their respective countries. Namely, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and United States Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton. They have many similar traits. Both lean to the left in their political beliefs. Both think they know what is best for their country, even though many of their viewpoints are very controversial. Both support the concept of “open borders”. Finally, both apparently believe that the threat of “Radical Islam” is overblown.

Angela Merkel’s support for virtually unlimited immigration from the Middle Eastern countries has already created significant problems in Germany. Common sense dictates that there is more, much more, to come. In our country, The proposals by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party that we continue the open border immigration policies of the Obama administration, and indeed increase the numbers of Muslim refugees we accept from Middle Eastern hotspots like Syria, Somalia and Yemen should give us all reason to question the logic of that course of action.

The events of the past 24 hours, with a vicious knife attack at a mall in Minnesota, and pipe and pressure cooker bombs going off in New York and New Jersey are harbingers of more to come. Some political leaders in those states are even refusing to admit that these are acts of terrorists. The Minnesota slasher was an immigrant of Somali descent. News reports are linking the New York and New Jersey bombings to immigrants from Afghanistan.

If we refuse to confront the dangers the western world faces from the adherents of Radical Islam we will pay a dire price for our foolishness. History teaches many lessons, but we have to be willing to study and learn from same. Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel don’t seem to understand that concept.