58 Years Ago Today.

Fifty-Eight years ago this morning a group of young men reported to 1307 Baltimore in Kansas City, Missouri.   I was among them.  On the outside of that building was a backlit logo.  It showed a stylized depiction of linked halves of a world globe.  On top of that TWA was displayed in large red letters.  As we passed through the doors, we were entering the Jack Frye Training Center where all TWA pilots, Flight Engineers and Hostesses were trained.  It changed our lives forever.

We came from many backgrounds, military and civilian, but we all had one goal, to become airline pilots, a small but growing fraternity of what was considered by many to be the elite of the flying profession.  To be hired by TWA, the abbreviation for Trans World Airlines, was an additional honor, as it was one of only three American Flag Carriers at the time to have both domestic and international routes, the others being Northwest Orient and Braniff.

Our “New-Hire” class was designated as “”64-07” and there were twenty pilots assigned to it.  Nineteen showed up that morning, the twentieth several days later.  His car had broken down driving through the mountains of Colorado, and he had to wait for it to be repaired.  Shortly after we were all seated in our classroom, Russ Hazelton, a newly upgraded TWA Captain who was assigned as our class advisor, stood before us.  He informed us that we were not to be initially trained as pilots, but rather as Flight Engineers on the Lockheed Constellation.  That came as quite a shock.

We were PILOTS after all, not mechanics, the profession where the Flight Engineer pool had formerly been drawn from.  Hazelton informed us that we would be issued two “seniority numbers” one for the pilot list and a second for the flight engineer position.  We were to be designated Pilot-Flight Engineers, or P/FEs, and would eventually transition into the pilot position.  What he didn’t tell us was that wasn’t guaranteed.   Due to a current labor dispute on the airline between the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) and the Flight Engineers International Association (FEIA) over who would occupy the third seat on all future airliners, we might indeed be trapped there forever, unable to upgrade to First Officer and eventually Captain, which was the top of the pyramid for the airline pilot profession. Continue reading 58 Years Ago Today.

Sick to my Stomach!

What is happening to this country under the current administration is enough to make me literally sick to my stomach.  The fact that this is being aided and abetted by many members of the Republican Party just makes it worse.

If you aren’t watching Tucker Carlson Tonight on the Fox News Channel, you are doing yourself a disservice.  Night after night, Monday through Friday, Carlson discusses the issues of the day from a conservative viewpoint.  Indeed, perhaps I should instead say from a factual viewpoint.  The commentators on his program, typified by people like Victor Davis Hansen, examine issues calmly and rationally, not relying on histrionics to make their point.

Alternately, you can watch CNN, MSNBC, PBS or any of the national news networks and listen to the talking point of the day.  They don’t even attempt to disguise that they are all singing from the same hymnal.

A case in point concerns the rape and impregnation of a ten year old girl in Ohio.  We are told by all the “Talking Heads” on the networks that the main story is that this child had to go to Indiana to receive an abortion because of Ohio’s strict anti-abortion laws. These were implemented after the Supreme Court struck down Roe vs.Wade.  The truth is completely different.

First, Ohio’s anti-abortion laws have exceptions.  One being if the life of the woman is threatened.  Obviously, a ten year old girl is much too young to carry to term, much less deliver a baby.  Is it even possible for a female of that age to conceive a child after she has intercourse?  The answer to that is yes.  I’ll explain.

When I was flying for an air ambulance company in Albuquerque after I retired from TWA, I witnessed cases where several very young girls, even as young as ten years old, gave birth. The babies were very small, and frequently didn’t survive. The mothers were equally at risk. As was explained to me, some Mestizo females, who had Mexican-indigenous ancestors, become sexually mature at a very early age, so it was possible for a nine year old girl to become pregnant, and carry a child to term.

What is not being mentioned by much of the mainstream media is that the man who raped and impregnated the girl who was nine years old at the time is Gerson Fuentes (shown above), an illegal alien from Guatemala.  How many more like him are streaming across our southern border?  Don’t ask. That’s Xenophobic!  How did Fuentes get to Ohio, by the way?  Was he flown there in the middle of the night courtesy of the Biden Administration?  It appears that the girl in question, a Mexican national, is also here illegally, as is her mother.  She, unbelievably, is now defending Fuentes, saying he is actually a good person. Continue reading Sick to my Stomach!

Revenge of the “Middle”

I was watching Fox News the other day and they had a story about comments made by a black female politician who said the problem with America wasn’t the radical leftists on the east or west coasts, but instead lay with the “Middle”.  Middle what, I thought? 

Did she mean middle class Americans, that amorphous group of people no one seems to be able to accurately define?  As she continued to speak, I realized she was instead referring to anyone not living in the bi-coastal liberal enclaves, those of us out here in “Fly-over Country”.

To people like her, we’re just hot dog eating, cheap beer swilling, knuckle dragging, gun owning rednecks whose opinions don’t count.  Why, many of us even had the temerity to desert the Democratic Party and vote for the MAGA King Donald Trump, TWICE.  We are the “Deplorables” so described by Hillary Clinton in 2016!   Not worth listening or responding to on any level.  Shut up!  They’ll tell us what’s good for us.

Stop whining about the price of gas for your pickups and diesel for your tractors!  Buy electric powered ones!  The cost of groceries at the market are too high?   Haven’t you heard of “Uber Eats”?  What hicks, what rubes!

And then there’s all the other stuff.  You don’t believe George Floyd’s death justified the 2020 riots?  You don’t think Critical Race theory should be taught to our school children and members of the military?  You don’t believe in transgenderism and Drag Queens reading books to kindergarten children?  Worst yet, you don’t agree with de-funding our police, and not prosecuting felons?  You want prisons to be prisons and not training zones for criminals?  What a bunch of prejudiced bastards!                          

At that point, reeling from the verbal slings and arrows being thrown my way as she continued, I turned off the television.  As I sat there shaking my head, I realized one thing.  There is no possible chance of having a rational conversation with someone like her.  She is so steeped in her political jargon that no other opinions are possible, and she isn’t alone.

Whether you believe the 2020 election was fair and unbiased, or that it was criminal and, at least in several battleground states, conducted in a blatantly un-constitutional manner is immaterial at this juncture.  The fact is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn in as our 46th President and Vice-President on January 21st of last year.  The result of that action is undeniably chaos.  Even the left is beginning to admit that, fearing a crushing defeat in the mid-term elections in November.  Only Biden, and a limited circle of toadies and sycophants are claiming otherwise. Continue reading Revenge of the “Middle”

Shooting Back

Another depraved individual has committed an atrocity.  I won’t use his name or show his picture in this piece.  It is my opinion that by doing so we allow these depraved individuals to have their few days of fame at the expense of others.  Most of the media, of course, will follow the old adage of “If it bleeds, it leads”.  We’ll get 24/7 coverage on CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the liberal outlets.  One must ask, WHY?

The “Copycat” phenomena is well known.  Sick people are inspired by the acts of other sick and deranged people to commit similar atrocities.  So why is the media allowed to be complicit in this process?  Rather than once again screaming for gun control measures, the politicians should propose legislation that would prohibit the freak show that follows every one of these awful events.

Once it becomes apparent that violent acts AREN”T going to get you your moments of fleeting fame, the copycat syndrome will basically cease to exist.  If the only way knowledge of these events is going to get out is by word of mouth, in the affected area, the crazies will lose the one thing they seem to so desperately crave, a sick form of immortality. Continue reading Shooting Back

The Battle of Cowpens

On July 2nd, my wife and I drove thirty-five miles from our home in western South Carolina to the Cowpens National Battlefield.  Not far, but it required some effort on my part to do so.  It was important enough however, because of its significance in the history of the American Revolutionary War, which we celebrate today on July 4th.

Many Americans don’t understand why we chose that day to have backyard barbecues and enjoy fireworks that evening.  In England, the fireworks occur on Guy Fawkes Night on November 5th.  They celebrate the foiling of a plot to blow up the building where the opening session of the British Parliament was scheduled to occur in 1605.  We of course celebrate the 4th of July for a very different reason, which I’ll get back to.

So what was the significance of The Battle of Cowpens, something I’m quite sure very few of the readers of this blog have ever heard of?  Well, as I learned during our visit, it may well have been one of the crucial turning points in our War of Independence.   I also learned that there were more battles fought in the state of South Carolina during that conflict than in all the other colonial states combined.

These weren’t the classic confrontations, of massed troops standing shoulder to shoulder and firing volleys from their muskets and rifles at adversaries a hundred yards distant. They were frequently fought in densely wooded areas, with hand to hand fighting using bayonets, knives and tomahawks.  That was the case at the Cowpens battle, named for a cattle pasturing area surrounded by a dense forest. Continue reading The Battle of Cowpens

A New Yellow Star?

Quite frankly, I never believed I would see what is currently happening in this country in my lifetime, but it is here.   A hateful ideology has manifested itself.  Although cloaked in high sounding language, it is the same as it has always been in the human experience since the dawn of mankind. In many ways, it points to the existence of a supreme evil, the Devil, if you wish.

The current manifestation of this force is what is being done to this nation by the Democratic Party.  Its ideology has had many phases since its inception.  In many ways it’s like a virus, which continues to mutate in form to insure its survival.  Like a virus, what it morphs into is never good, although it may seem to be so at the moment.

From a party which reveled in the defense of slavery for blacks, and formed the Ku Klux Klan to terrify and occasionally murder them, it morphed into the party which used “Jim Crow” laws to subjugate them into second class citizens in the south under the era of segregation.  It fought tooth and nail to maintain that status during the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s.  It used every political trick in the book to defeat the Civil Rights legislation proposed by the Republican Party , and voted in a solid block against it.

When that passed, they decided that they could buy the loyalty of black Americans by instituting a welfare system which encouraged the breakup of the family, and in many ways has destroyed a large portion of that racial minority.  Then it encouraged abortion clinics in black communities, which have aborted so many black babies that the size of the black community in this nation has remained virtually the same for nearly a hundred years, while other, like Hispanics, have exploded. Continue reading A New Yellow Star?

Is It Time?

It is coming to be obvious to clear thinking Americans that Both major American political parties are FUBAR!   Don’t know what that means?   Look it up.   Although there are many Republicans who believe in the original concepts of the Founding Fathers, ie: maximum freedom through limited government, there are just as many who have drunk the cool aide of the Democrats. 

What is that concept?   Simply to control the masses by exerting maximum power over their lives.  The more restrictive laws and regulations the better.  Pit one group against another.  Sow distrust and hatred of people who don’t look like you.  Spread the false notion that the government will always take care of you and look out for your best interests.

Unfortunately, since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, the cancer which has overtaken our system of government has metastasized to the point where removing it would kill the patient in the process.  It is becoming more and more apparent that the only solution is to replace it with a new organ, which contains all the life giving qualities of what made this country great in the first place.  Simply put, we need a new political party which patriotic Americans can trust and believe in. Continue reading Is It Time?

The Red Flag Threat

It seems that every time we have a mass shooting in this country, the first response from the Democrats is that we must institute some additional gun control laws. It is almost a Pavlovian response, not based on facts or reason, but simply on programed emotions. Let’s examine a few basic facts.

One:   Laws are only effective if the penalty for breaking them is severe enough to guarantee compliance, and they are universally applied.   In the case of existing gun laws, they obviously aren’t, because cities with the strongest gun control laws, such as New York, Philadelphia and Chicago, are also among the most dangerous places in the nation.  It appears that criminals don’t obey laws.  What a concept!

Two:   “Gun Free Zones” aren’t.  Period.  Virtually all mass shootings in the past half century have occurred in these supposedly “Safe” places.  In reality, only the shooter is safe, until law enforcement arrives, that is.  Even then, as we saw in the case of Parkland High School in Florida, and the recent Uvalde, TX massacre, the killings continued while the police pondered what to do after they got there.  Shocking!

Three:   A disarmed population is a vulnerable population.  This is why every time a violent despot or despotic group takes power, the first thing they do is disarm the people. Chairman Mao once observed “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”   So, a disarmed population is at the mercy not only of criminals, crazies and terrorists, but of a tyrannical government as well.  The Founding Fathers knew that, and that is one of the reasons they gave us the Second Amendment.

Four:  Another feature of despotic governments is their desire to maintain power by turning the citizens of the country against each other.  It is a classic example of “Divide and Conquer”.   If the people are divided into special interest groups, they won’t come together to overcome a government that is oppressing them. 

Even worse is allowing people to take revenge on others for imagined offenses by accusing them of supposed misdeeds anonymously.   The Nazis and Chinese Communists encouraged indoctrinated youth to spy on their families and neighbors, reporting real or imagined transgressions.  This is a road we might be going down if so-called “Red Flag Laws” are enacted.

What is to prevent innocent people from being falsely accused of being dangerous or unstable and a threat to the community?   An overzealous judge could then issue an order allowing police to forcibly seize the individual’s legally owned guns, thereby denying them the right to self defense for weeks, months or even years.  This isn’t fantasy, it has already occurred.  If an individual doesn’t have the financial wherewithal to hire a lawyer to defend them against such actions, it becomes a fait-accompli, a back door to legal gun confiscation.

Five:  In the frenzy to do “SOMETHING” after the Uvalde school shooting, ten Republican Senators, including one of my own, Lindsey Graham, have signed onto supporting a Democrat proposed gun control measure which includes some form of federal “Red Flag” provisions.   Because of the issues I have listed above, this is extremely inadvisable in my opinion.  First and foremost, we should see to it that all provisions of existing federal and Texas state gun control laws were correctly applied to the Uvalde shooter.  For instance, where did this teenager get the reported $4000 in cash to purchase the weapons?  Why wasn’t there a School Safety Officer at the school?  Why did it take so long for effective police presence to arrive, and why did they wait so long before breaching the room door and subduing the shooter?  From what I have been able to determine, there were many windows which could have been used to determine what was happening in the classroom, particularly since shots continued to be heard. 

Considering all the above facts, do we really need more gun laws?   Especially if mandatory confiscation of AR-15 style rifles, and magazines which carry more than ten rounds, are also banned and subject to confiscation?  This will undoubtably be resisted by possibly hundreds of thousands of legal gun owners, which will turn them into immediate felons.  An act this foolish won’t make Americans safer.  It will just fan the fires of resentment and resistance, and possibly bring on the armed rebellion the left seem so ardently seeking by their actions.

The Final Battleground

For a very long time I have tried to figure out what is so distasteful about putting “America First” to the liberal left in this country.  Over the last few years, with the shenanigans which occurred in the 2018 and 2020 election cycles, I have decided that it is quite simple.  They are following a Marxist/Leninist agenda which simply cannot coexist with what America, as we have known it in the past, represents.

Conservatives, of all races colors and creeds basically just want  to be left alone to succeed or fail on their own merits, not be categorized and then dominated by politicians and bureaucrats.  That concept was clearly and plainly demonstrated by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in his “I have a dream speech”.  What the Black Lives Matter,  La Raza Unida, and similar groups propose is something completely different.  They want “minorities” to feel oppressed, even when they are in the minority no longer. 

The declining birth rate in the Caucasian population, coupled with the much higher birth rate in the various Latino groups, particularly among the illegals streaming across our southern border, means that White Americans will indeed be in the minority in only a few years time. Even when that happens however, Whites will never be granted that status.  There will never be an “Affirmative Action” program for the Caucasian community.  The “Progressives” will never allow that.

To them, whites are guilty of the original sin of allowing slavery to exist on this continent.  In addition, they are guilty of taking the land of Mexicans and Native Americans by force.  Much of that is historically true, but the Spanish Conquistadores and later the Mexican government treated the Indian population with much more brutality than the average American government.  In addition, the “Native American” tribes were warring against each other for hundreds of years prior to the first European setting foot on this continent.  They were the original slave owners and brutalizers of their neighbors.  While that doesn’t justify what some whites later did, it puts it in perspective. 

We are told that Indians were faithful stewards of the land, sort of the original environmentalists.  Unfortunately, the fact is that they could, when there was an abundance of a resource such as the immense buffalo herds, be as wasteful as anyone else.  They would on occasion drive a herd over a cliff to their deaths, taking only the most favored parts of the carcasses, leaving the rest to rot or feed scavengers.  Not the movie portrayal we saw in “Dances With Wolves”, is it? Continue reading The Final Battleground

Lies, Damned Lies…

Mark Twain once wrote: 

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

Many politicians are proficient in all three.

I had a college professor, back in the days when most of them were there to teach, not indoctrinate their students, who gave an example of how statistics could be grossly misleading while presenting a factual situation. He said:

“Consider a girls dorm here at the university. If there are one hundred residents, and ninety-nine of them haven’t had sexual relations, but one has, and is now pregnant, statistically that makes the rest of the dorm residents 99% virgin and 1% pregnant. However, unfortunately for her, she is 99% pregnant, and only 1% virgin”.

We are currently involved in what is a blatant effort on the part of the Biden/Harris cabal to effectively disarm the nations legal gun owners.  They aren’t honest enough to say that, but it is indeed their ultimate goal, make no mistake about that.

The statistics about “gun violence” and homicides in this country are collected each year by several government agencies.  What is done with that information is the issue at hand. More people are killed or injured by knives or hammers each year than by rifles of all types, including single shot and semi-automatic versions, with or without extended magazines. That is a statistic which doesn’t fit the Democrats agenda, so it is conveniently ignored.  The left’s ignorance when it comes to firearms is almost breathtaking in scope.

For instance, as he strolled out of the White House the other day, Biden responded to a reporters question by saying that a .22 caliber bullet would lodge in a victims lung, while a 9mm bullet would literally “Blow the lung out of their chest”!   That statement must have been planted in his addled brain by a staffer who is totally ignorant of the facts.  It is factually completely incorrect.   Ludicrous in fact, but unfortunately taken at face value by his supporters and others.

Yes, a 9mm round is larger that a .22, and can potentially do more damage when it strikes a human body, but even “Dirty Harry’s” infamous .44 Magnum won’t “Blow a lung out of the chest”.  So why did a staffer plant that thought in Biden’s brain?  The answer is quite simple.  The 9mm semi-automatic pistol is the most commonly owned handgun in America.  By demonizing it in the same way they did the AR-15, in it’s many versions, by calling them “Assault Weapons” or “Weapons of War”, it makes it easier to ban them, and so disarm their legal owners. Continue reading Lies, Damned Lies…